Welcome to OakWood Falls

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Chapter 1

"Michael! Wake up!" What? What was mom going on about this time, nothing was going on today as far as I was aware, I opened my eyes to realize we were in the car on the highway, oh. "We're almost at the house so wake up honey!" Right, we were moving to a new town. Oakwood Falls was it? I wasn't sure, nor did I even care. I felt the car come to a halt and soon saw the neighborhood we'd be living in, it looked decent, nice even. The trees were slowly losing their leaves as autumn arrived, and the houses looked fine, just old looking.

I got out of the car and stood in the driveway to get a good look at the house. My mom called me, "Michael, help me get our baggage!" I walked over to the back of the car and opened the trunk, I took my backpack and suitcase and helped Ma get her things. I closed the trunk and watched as she unlocked the door. Inside was alright, just smelled a bit dusty from the lack of cleaning. We had some mattresses ready for the night, Ma didn't want me to have to be late for my first day at high school, she always had to be on schedule.

I helped clean around the house and get the mattresses ready for the night. I also had my clothes and backpack ready for tomorrow, so I decided to take a break outside on the porch. As I sat down I noticed night approaching, the night air was cool and felt nice compared to the stuffy car ride here. "Like the house so far?" I didn't notice Ma out here so her voice scared me a bit "little warning next time Ma? The house is fine, just a bit dusty." I really didn't mind it, I just missed my old neighborhood and school. "Well that's nice to hear, you'll like it in no time, now how about you get inside? You have school tomorrow and it's cold out here." I stand up and walk back inside with my mom. I brush my teeth and take a quick shower, I dried off and got ready for bed. "Night Ma!" I call out to her room across the hall. I flop down on my mattress and fall asleep some time later, I hoped school would be alright.

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Oct 19, 2023 ⏰

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OakWood Falls. (HIATUS SORRY!!)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora