Chapter one : car vrooom bvroom

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washington was driving to the hospital in a panic. today was the day - the day that reigen was gonna give birth to their newborn son. washington waited 9 long months for this very moment and he couldn't put that patience to waste, he had to be there.

"fuck, i'm not gonna make it.. there's traffic on every street!"
washington yelled out, exasperated. he needed to be there for reigen; to hold his hand, to be the best husband he could be, to see his own son come to life. if he were to be absent, he would never forgive himself. reigen would probably kick him out of the house, divorce, and take full custody - washington could already imagine it.

the cars ahead of him were moving up very slowly. if this kept up, it would take ages to get to the hospital. washington had to think of something fast, he only had a couple minutes before reigen would go into labor. there was no easy escape as he was surrounded in the middle of the street.

washington nervously tapped on the steering wheel.
"i can't get out of this hellhole, there's nothing i can do.."
suddenly out of nowhere, something was descending down from the sky. clouds drifted away from each other and a ray of light shined so vividly it was almost blinding. a figure showed itself on the front of washington's car, it was jesus christ himself.

"hello, my brother.. it is i, jesus!"
jesus opened his arms as he stood on the hood of the car.
"i see you're in quite a predicament, do not fret for i am here to assist."
jesus put his hand into his robe sleeve and pulled out a rocket launcher.

"here, take this.. for you will need it. do not worry about sinning cus i died for them anyways lol! now, scoot over."
jesus got down from the car's hood while washington moved over to the passenger seat. he opened the door and sat down, lowering the window as he stuck out the rocket launcher.

"jesus, is this really the only way?"
washington had a tiny hint of doubt in his tone.
"yes brethren, i'm the all-knowing here. if i say committing a terroristic act against humanity is the way to go, then so be it."
jesus cocked the rocket launcher. he aimed ahead of him.

jesus shouted as he pulled the trigger. all the cars in front of them blew up into smithereens, leaving nothing but smoke in the air.
"holy shit..literally?"
washington stared at all the debris. jesus rolled the window back up and slammed the gas pedal.
"let us go forth! ..before the cops pull up and take me in again. i can't go back in, i just barely got on parole!"

in just a few moments, they arrived at the hospital. jesus stepped out of the car and looked at washington.
"it appears my time has come.. you can keep the rocket launcher btw, you might need it again."
washington looked back at jesus,
"do you really have to go now? it would've been nice if you stayed a bit and watch the birth of my son.. i mean you kinda just saved my ass back there"
jesus crossed his arms,
"do not thank me, i was only doing my sworn duty, however, i deeply apologize, brother.. i'm needed elsewhere. farewell, for we will meet again. spread my word to the people and tell them to drive the fuck faster next time, toodles :3!"
jesus levitated into the heavens as the ray of light radiated upon him, taking him away to the gates above. washington shed a tear as he watched.

The reigingtonverse : Reigen arataka x agent washington super epic fanficWhere stories live. Discover now