18 0 2

Finney:The shark
Bruce:suck this dick bitch
Vance:pinning Bruce's balls
Robin:The gayest fs
Billy:the "straightest"

finney had added 2 people to this gc
              Finney has named Bruce suck this sick bitch
                      Finney had named griffen THATBOYFR

THATBOYFR has named finney the shark

Suck my dick bitch: Finn wth is this bro?
The shark:A gc dumbass😈
THATBOYFR:This is boring u guys are boring to🥱
Suck my dick bitch:Sthu u ceiling fan
THATBOYFR:Atleast my Sport DOESNT include dirt like u guys🥱
The shark:Bro u call GYMNASTICS a sport??
THATBOYFR:Yes????Have u ever done gymnastics before? It's actually harder than baseball fr😍
Suck my dick bitch:Ima have to agree with griff bc Amy has came home in sweat and tears from gymnastics
THATBOYFR:Can i add my brother🥱
Suck my dick bitch:YOU HAVE A BROTHER????
The shark:Yea sure
THATBOYFR has added Vance hopper
THATBOYFR had changed Vance hoppers name to pinning Bruce's balls

Pinning Bruce's balls:GRIFFEN WTH????
Suck my dick bitch:EXCUSE ME WTF????
Pinning Bruce's balls:Who is everyone?
The shark:I'm finney Blake THATBOYFR is it lil bro or big bro or whatever he's just u brother and suck my dick bitch is Bruce😍🥰🥰
Pinning Bruce's balls:can I add my friends?
Suck my dick bitch:idc
Pinning Bruce's balls:kk

       Pinning Bruce's balls has added and named 2 ppl

THATBOYFR:Boy who tf did u add
Pinning Bruce's balls:Just Robin and Billy
The shark:I agree U SAID WHO KNOW?
Pinning Bruce's balls I added Billy and Robin do u guys have something against them or something?
The shark:yep nothing
The "straightest":Vance wth is this🤦🏼
Pinning Bruce's balls:A gc u dumb fuck
The "straightest":Ok damn u fat ass🤓
The gayest fs:Who's in this?
Pinning Bruce's balls:Me Bruce Yamada uhm finney Blake and griffen
The "straightest":EXCUSE MWOI?????
Pinning Bruce's balls:I'm not repeating myself
The gayest fs:Erm what the flip guys🤓
THATBOYFR:Boy shut yo bitch ass no having balls ass I wear a bandana cause I wanna look tough having ass tf up before I get Vance 4000 on you cringy having ASSS bitch🥱
The gayest fs:Oh uhm ok sorry griffen😰😨 (quaking in my boots)
THATBOYFR:Ok can u guys stfu I'm trying to cook cause Vance's immature ass doesn't know how to and he needs to eat so everyone go offline or I will like pour boiling scolding hot water all over u guys
Pinning Bruce's balls:He's being so fr rn guys

Everyone is offline know see each other next time!!!

The end

Pls tell me how I did and the like see eathother next time was to get rid of the number 444 because it's like the devils number sun and I'm baptist so yea but yea just tell me how the first chapter was and if I should do more🤷🏼‍♀️

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 19, 2023 ⏰

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