01 - Red Carpet

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f/n l/n (y/n) was pretty famous for her musical talents. she wanted to thank her idol, kyoko yamate for inspiring her. she was too embarrassed to admit it, so she kept it to herself. even if she did, kyoko might have not even seen it so there was no use. she really wished she would notice her, she might've saw her videos, like once and scrolled.

as y/n was ready to go to bed she got a notification, it was from a company asking if she could go to the red carpet, y/n as excited as she was, said yes. she now had to figure out what she would wear as she only had her video clothes which are nice, but not nice enough for a red carpet. y/n thought to herself. what if she wore her regular style of clothes, to the red carpet. she looks back on her popular videos. she clicks on the most popular video she owns, the views on it was pretty good, 10.2 mil views. it was also her favorite outfit. all her fans would recognize that outfit anywhere. it was a black based top with white streaks running through it, though it was sort of a mesh top, so she had to wear something under it.

she was going to wear exactly what was in that video, so she went through her closet just for the shirt that went under that mesh top. after a few minutes she found the thing that went under it. it was a white cropped shirt with a white base and black streaks going through it. she also got her fishnets and arm nets out because it was in that outfit on that video. she got her leather skirt that she had in her video. her outfit was done.

so, she decided to go back to bed and be happy because she was tired, and she has everything planned out.
after a few minutes, she felt her eyelids getting heavy, as she drifted off to sleep.

the next morning, she woke up, she realized that the red carpet was tomorrow, so she made sure she had everything she had for tomorrow. she wanted to look really good so she decided that night that she would get good sleep.

y/n doesn't use much makeup. and no, she isn't one of those girls, who i'm talking about is those girls who are like "i don't use a ton of makeup, i go all natural." y/n just likes to go natural because sometimes makeup is too much for her sometimes, she can't keep up. i'm not saying she's lazy, but sometimes people don't like the feel of makeup on your face, it just feels weird to her, foreign like. and even if you don't like makeup, it's okay.

people like certain kinds of things, and makeup wasn't a thing y/n liked. a little makeup like every once in a while, is okay but just not too much for her. you can never have too much makeup, you can never have too-less either. any amount of makeup is okay, as long as you like it is what matters. everyone has their too-much moments.

y/n was still pretty focused on the red carpet, so she made sure to show up at the red carpet as herself, not anyone else, just her. she made sure she's going to be her authentic self. no personality changes, no anything that's not her. only her true self is what enters and leaves.

the next morning as she woke up, she realized, it was the day of the red carpet. she shot straight out of bed and to her dresser to where everything was laid out on. she checked over it and just checked over whether it was all there or not, when she got done checking she headed down the stairs for breakfast.

that morning, she had her favorite breakfast, an omelet, some toast, eggs, and a glass of milk. she tried her best to make it perfect because at 5:00 pm the red carpet was finally hers to walk. she was so nervous about seeing kyoko since she had heard that she would be going.

after she grabbed breakfast and decided to start getting ready. it was one of the biggest days of her life, so she had to look her best with also being authentic. so, y/n finished her breakfast and washed her dishes she used and then went upstairs to her room to start getting dressed for her day on the red carpet, hoping to see kyoko there.

y/n put the outfit on and looked in the mirror to see if she wanted to add anything to the outfit to make it look better than the original, just so she would look better than she did in that video. she put on a little makeup because she had dark circles and she didn't want to have to deal with that problem, and she put on some lip gloss because, she was feeling nice and wanted to look nice.

she was watching over the video she wore the outfit in and wondered how she got so many views from a mediocre video, well what she thought was mediocre, was actually stunning to other people because y/n was talented and she didn't realize it, she thought everyone could do the same thing as her, when really barely anybody could.

she felt nervous because she hasn't been out in public like that because she was a reserved person and liked her space and feel of being not crowded by tons of people. it's understandable because she may seem like an outgoing person on the internet, that was what you might call a facade, she was actually a really big introvert, believe it or not. 

she worked from home, as she didn't have to work at a place, she worked for herself and was a content creator, she sung and she danced, she produced music and she did all this stuff in the musical field that seemed hard to do but y/n could do it all, she didn't really dj as she didn't find that as fun, but she still does it, but she isn't a full on dj so she couldn't credit kyoko for it.

learning to do all of that wasn't easy, but y/n made it work out as she caught on quickly as she was a really fast learner, so the self-employment process went pretty quickly. she made a good living, and she was happy doing it. 

y/n felt like she was being a copycat of kyoko even though all kyoko did was dj. y/n really hopes she would run into kyoko at the red carpet, she probably won't, but a girl can still hope.

a while later of watching her own videos and scrolling through kyoko, y/n realized that..

it was time to face reality and head over to the red carpet..

Authors Note - Honestly I loved writing this and I hoped everyone enjoyed this first chapter of this new story!! 

well i hope everyone has a great day/night!


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 17 ⏰

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