The Draw that Changed Everything

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The match had ended, 4-4. A draw. 


This was the second draw against Invincible United and it was driving Shakes crazy. He looked around at his teammates and saw they were just as much losing their minds as him. He glared over to the opposing team and they seemed to be mirroring the expressions of his own team. Skarra kept on scowling at Shakes and didn't seem to care about the earful Vince was giving him.

It wasn't like it would make any difference anyway; if it did, it wouldn't have happened again after the first time, but twice...this time the goalposts almost got broken! He could hear screaming from the bench and could only assume it was Coach.

Their team trudged back to the locker rooms, Shakes choosing to focus on Coach's ranting instead of the throbbing pain in his arm from Skarra's foul.

"This is the second time!" Coach snapped, pushing open the door to the locker room. "Because you boys can't beat Invincible United, now our entire season is being delayed and our team is dropping down the board!"

"Coach Mon," Dancing Rasta muttered, putting up his hands in surrender, "it's not only us. All of us were really good tonight out there. I mean, sure, we trained all week, but so did they!"

Coach looked at his exhausted team and sighed, rubbing the bridge of his nose.

Twisting tiger looked at Shakes, placing an ice pack on his arm.

"You okay, Shakes?" he asked, diverting the attention away from Coach's anger.

"That was a pretty bad fall" El Matador leaned over, looking at the angry, purple skin.

Shakes shrugged angrily. "It's okay, it doesn't hurt too bad. But this is all Skarra's fault! If he stopped godamn distracting me, we could have scored that last goal! I-"

The whole team, including Coach, exchanged a knowing glance. 

Oh they had distracted each other, alright.

They kept riling each other up, so oblivious to their surroundings, that at one point the ball had just rolled past them and they didn't even notice, too busy throwing insults at each other.

"-swear to god that when I see him again, I will-"

They let out a collective sigh and tuned Shakes out, knowing from experience that he wasn't going to stop any time soon. They picked up their bags walked out, Shakes following them, praying they wouldn't have to run into the opposition on their way out.

They weren't that lucky.

They had stepped out the same moment the other team did.

The teams looked at each other like deer in headlights, bar their star strikers, who didn't even notice, too busy up in their heads. 

"-and his head's so far up his ass! like could he-" 

It also seemed like Invincible united were having the same problem, praying they wouldn't run into each other.

Shakes and Skarra caught sight of each other and immediately bristled.

 As usual, Skarra opened his huge mouth first."Oh, look who it is! Mr. High and Mighty himself! Can't handle a little bit of banter, can you?"

"You know, Skarra, if you focused on your footwork instead of obsessing over me, you might actually be a decent player."Shakes retorted, smirking.

The players of both teams exchanged weary glances, knowing all too well the volatile history between Shakes and Skarra. Insults flew back and forth, fueled by the thick tension in the air. 

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