Early October's scent

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This is my first time posting here and also the first time ever I'm not writing in my native language.
Basically it's all fluff without a real plot.
Sorry for any mistakes there might be, hope you will enjoy it either way :)

Cousins, somewhen in October.

Early October's scent has an oddly distinctive scent, particularly in Cousins. It has a certain flavor, especially when being in one's own intimate space with one's partner, savoring the last few weeks of pregnancy.

In October, a crisp breeze blows through the nostrils, causing the body's fuzz to tingle. The light during this time of the year is dim and gentle, like a warm breeze carrying with it a hint of nostalgia. Belly dozed off on Conrad's bare chest, her head snuggled in the crook of his neck and his hand lovingly and protectively resting on her bump.

In and out, her breath flows in a consistent rhythm: she seems to be at peace.

The moonlight peeking through the slightly open curtain grants Conrad a chance to observe her closely: swollen lips, unkempt locks escaping an undone chignon, and her face outlined by the shadows.

The wall clock displays 04:48am and Conrad restrains a loud snort, to avoid to interrupt Belly's rest, since his own was broken in the middle of the night, again.

As the due date drew nearer, falling asleep became more of a challenge for the two of them. If Belly's backache and swollen feet have been disrupting her sleep for a few weeks now, Conrad was forced to acknowledge that he had grown accustomed to it, having not slept more than five hours a night for years.

However, lately he has been more than glad to be up in the middle of the night, as the stillness of the dark is when their unborn Peanut (that's the cute nickname Belly chose for their baby) seems to be the most active, much to his wife's distress .

Don't take her wrong: Belly has certainly felt a sense of deep fondness at her daughter's vitality, yet Peanut's kicking abilities have grown significantly during the last few weeks of gestation and then it's near impossible, for her mother, to drift off again. To Conrad's delight, he was glad he was no longer alone when he wakes up at night, no longer eaten alive by the darkest feeling that he used to fight once.

Conrad's head shifts slowly as he keeps a tight grip on his wife's hips: his right arm as cushion under her head, his left arm wrapping around her back, drawing her in for a tender hug. It was a really special father-daughter moment, of which he will never be tired. Always so special, so tender.

Suddenly he is hit with a wave of nostalgia: these nights won't hang around for long, he knows it. To him, it seems like yesterday when Belly felt the baby fluttering for the first time.

His affection and ardor for the love (loves, now) of his life would never wane, not even over the course of a lifetime.

It was the end of August. She was sprawled out on the sofa after a well-deserved hot bath at the end of a long day of work, and was waiting for Conrad to get home and have dinner together. As soon as he entered the porch, he noticed her tear-stained face. His stomach muscles contracted and his mind ran through the most awful possibilities in the span of 35 seconds.

Belly's lovely tear-filled eyes and shaky voice conveyed to him the details of the event, and he immediately knelt down, carefully raising her pajamas and placing his rugged cheek against the skin of warm and tense stomach.

"What did it feel like?", he asked in a voice cracked with emotion. "Was it like a punch or something?"

"It was like a series of tiny pulses, like when you feel butterflies in the stomach, but stronger. Better, I guess? Does that make sense to you? It's so weird, Con", she started to babbling in sobs.

Early October's scent -Belly and ConradWhere stories live. Discover now