Chapter 2: Vengeful Acts, Painful Consequences.

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Author speedcard: Don't worry, I'll fill you in when I find the tiime to write.

Skipping to Chapter 2: All's well that ends well (Middle).

She doesn't wait, not like before she doesn't think, just acts.

Three seconds before, there was a table between them and she was staring at him with a strangely blank look while he spoke.

Now, he's on his back, and Robin stands over him.

"Cue, get out" she orders grimly, glaring daggers at the man sprawled out on the hard wood floors.

I take steps towrads the door, throwing a quick glance over my shoulder that causes my heart to dip in fear as he rises his full length, standing a good four feet over Robin.

I slam the door behind me and slide down, eyes closed.

Why won't she let me help?

The chilling silence that follows lasts a good minute, sixty seconds of my heart racing in anticipation which slowly gives room to anxiety.

The silence ends with a painful crash, then another, I hear Robin grunt, but, I can't move, Robin hates people aiding her and would prefer to handle this herself.

Heaven knows I can't bear this, I know she doesn't want help, but, I can't bear the pain these sounds fill my heart with.

I fall on my hands desperate to know if she needs me, and half hoping she's too dazed to stop me.

I shut one eye, squinting under the doorway, my heart jumps a bit. The room is silent except for the large man's footsteps as he chases seemingly nothing.

That's when I notice, one of the reasons I love her so much, she's evading him and moving fast, but that's not it, her feet are so light as she moves she's practically inaudible, blinding him whenever she's not in sight.

Maybe I was overeacting, she seems like she's doing just fine.

Good things don't last, I hear the splittinng hiss of metal against cloth and I know he has a weapon.

I pull my head up, sitting straight as the blood rushes from my face, my eyes are looking to the skies for intervention.

After a few minutes of tumbling around, I hear her scream.

I can't take it, I push myself unto my feet and turn to the door, only to be thrown back by splintered wood as a bloodied cleaver jutts out.

The end of the blade is broken off, the blood streaks are fresh and warm.

My heart sobs when I hear her hitched breathing, I crawl to the door, not having the heart to open it.

"I'm sorry dad" she whispers, through choking breaths.

"It's okay" the man responds, his voice cracked like hers, "Maybe now we'll both see your mother".

What are they talking about, I thought her father was dead.

Then realisation hits me.

Foolish Robin, beautiful Robin, foolish beautiful independent Robin.

I fall with my back against the door, masking my own sobs with difficulty.

"Cue?" she calls, as though she just recalled my being there.

"Yea?" I respond shakily, never feeling so cold and alone as I lean against the cold wood, losing the reason I'm alive behind closed doors.

I don't even get to watch her take her last breath, she needs time with her father is what I keep telling myself, but truthfully, I can't bear to watch her leave, much less hear her.

I can't do this.

"Cue, you know I love you, right?" I nod, then remember she can't see me and reply.

"Good, I need you to reach under the door" she pleads, and I do, feeling her cold hands as we touch for seemingly the last time.

"Robin, I promised you I'd be strong for you always, so that's what I'm going to do now" I say between sobs, then rise slowly, as my knees are weak.

"Cue?" I hear her call, and I know it hurts, but I can't stop, I need to move on for her, and for me, cause I know that if I stay long enough to hear the breath leave her, I'll never leave, ever.

So with as much strength as I can muster, I begin a slow walk, pushing against everything.

I feel like I can hear her calling, so I run as fast as I can, pushing everything aside, racing throuugh the forest.

And, in an instance, I trip, over nothing but my heart as it stops, and I fall, tumbling and rolling over grassy contours, my tears rolling without end.

I stop, face first in the soil, grass covering my face, I can't cry, no whimper, just tears, I just lie here, hoping death would take me now.

She took her last breath without me, I ran, but it caught me and I fell, now I'm here, I couldn't escape her final moments.

The controllers of the universe weren't kind enough to at least let me leave and live with the one hope she might have survived and is living on.

Remember when I said I'd never felt so alone...I was wrong.

I'm lying here, tired, angry, sad, confused, disbelieving, cold, but most of all alone.

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