"But we cannot simply sit and stare at our wounds forever."
- Haruki Murakami -

Imagine a Saturday morning in the summer. All you can think about is sleeping,eating, and doing nothing, right?

Not for me, at least.

I woke up to the sound of my little brother screaming out his lungs because we couldn't go to the playground today. Being an older sister is not easy. I'll say that much.

Don't get me wrong, I love my little bro. But sometimes... yeah.

As I walk downstairs, I can hear my dad already lecturing him and my mother ready to just pick him up and give him forehead kisses.

"Oh, you're finally awake. I need you to watch your brother. Dad and I are going to get groceries. We won't be gone long." Yeah, right. The last time she said that, I was stuck with a crying two year old for 4 hours. "I can go get it," I say almost immediately. I'd do anything to get out of this place. From them.

"Alright then. Be careful." Was her last words before she gave me the money. I took my purse and stuffed the money inside, making sure to close the bag and keep it as close to me as possible. I was practically clutching the bag so tight my hands were getting sweaty. The last time I didn't, let's just say I had to wear a lot of makeup to school the next day.

I walk in the store, making sure to close the door behind me. "Hello Jaelene!" The cashier Mr Min greets me with a smile. "Hey sir." He's around my age, maybe a few years older, but I do like to tease him about it. "Oh come on, I'm only like 4 years older than you. You don't have to call me sir" He says as he rolls his eyes with a slight chuckle. "Alright then Yoongi. There is that better?" I ask while taking a cart from the front and putting a bag of apples in there. "Much better." He gives me a grin before continuing with the next customer. I often come here after school to get a snack, so Yoongi and I have built a small friendship over time. We'll sometimes go for Boba during his lunch breaks, or we'd take a walk after his shifts. Before my parents come home, of course. They'd kill me and Yoongi if they knew I was talking to him. Even if it's in a friendly manner.

I take my cart to the counter at the front to pay when I see a boy, roughly my age I think looking at the alcohol section while no one was around. He had light grey eye bags, and his knuckles were bruised with a red and purple hue to it. I turn my head towards the health section if the store and pick out some bandages and a pain killer. After I pay for my stuff and say bye to Yoongi I left to look for the boy from earlier.

He was standing outside next to the glass door of the store. I look up to him with the bandages and tablet in my hand.

"Here you go."

He takes a glance at the stuff in my hand and then looks at me directly in my eyes. Should I run? Is this dangerous? Is he dangerous?

"I saw your hands were bruised so I bought some bandages. I wasn't staring at you or anything!" I quickly deny and brush out any thoughts from his head that I was 'stalking' him. "I just wanted to help." I hand him the small packet but I notice his hands shaking. He won't be able to do this by himself. I sigh as I open up the bandages. "Sit."

"Excuse me?" He replies. He has a beautiful voice. One that captures your attention the moment they speak a syllable. Almost like a siren. "S-sit down. So I can clean your wounds." I say hesitantly. I wouldn't want him to think I'm a freak now. He sits down slowly and I take his hand onto my lap. If I didn't look quick enough I wouldn't have noticed the slight blush that appeared on his pale cheeks. Although it disappeared just as quick. I applied whatever ointment I bought and wrapped the bandage around his hand carefully. I could feel his gaze on me as I opened the bottle of painkillers and gave him one.

"Take one of this. It should help with the pain." I said as I handed the tablet over along with a bottle of water.

"Thanks." Was all he said before getting up and walking away. I stood in my spot for a few seconds wondering why I felt so comfortable in his presence. I shrug it off and stared getting my things together before going back home.

Hi guys!

Just wanted to give a little update. We start exams soon so I won't be uploading too frequently. But I'll try to catch up every time I can!

Until next time my loves.

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