Chapter 18

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Lee’s POV 

The wind gushes against my cheeks while I bite down on my lip. I fight the urge to turn around and slap the idiot straight across his absurd face. Because one, I know it won't do anything to him, since he is a vampire, and therefore his skin is thicker than any other supernatural being I know. The bastards are hard as a rock. And two because if I turn around there is a chance I may give in to the thoughts in my head, and I don’t know when I will be able to walk away from Taehyung again. 

It's so weird every time it happens. Every time he kisses me. So weird how my body knows it’s right and wrong at the same time to let Taehyung touch even the slightest bit of my skin. But it’s unavoidable. It’s like electricity pulls me to him. A power emanating from both of our bodies demanding more.

Demanding me to give in to him. Demanding to be complete. When his lips caress mine it always feels as if I am breathing for the first time. My legs also feel as if they can give up at any given time. And I really don’t know what to make of that. Plus the entire shock wave that runs through my skin pulling me to him and needing to touch him. 

That one freaks me out the most. 

So I know if I go back there, to where I left him, and he looks at me with those eyes, the ones that seem to have so many words and thoughts trapped in them, I might break. And I will not break in front of a bloodsucker, I don’t care how hot he is. Or how pretty. Or his eyes... I shake my head discarding the thoughts as I walk away from Taehyung. I walk away from him and from the need spreading all over my body, especially between my legs. 

Jesus fucking Christ, I need to use my vibrator as soon as I get home. 

The wind starts to cut against my exposed skin. The nights here tend to be cold even during the hot months of summer, but this year it seems winter came in with a strength. Snow storms, hazel, anything that would force most people to stay inside their homes. A warning of the turmoil about to come. No one can know I have kissed Taehyung. Especially since I did it more than once. One time is a slip-up, two... two it can't be taken as an accident no matter how hard I try to think of it that way. Never in my life has a kiss turned me on this much. Ever. Not that I have a lot of experience but some experience still counts.

And that’s exactly what I tell myself as I make a turn to my street wondering why is it that when Jimin touches me it doesn’t feel I need more. It doesn’t feel as if I need his mouth on mine to breathe. His hands roaming on my body before they have a hold of my ass. His dick inside of me. No. It definitely does not feel like that. But with Taehyung? I want his hands to roam, to explore. I want to be worshipped by his lips as he gets on his knees and tastes how wet I am. If I had not pulled away... I can't even think about what could have happened.  

Sometimes in life, we are on autopilot. We do things without realizing it and right now it seems it is how I am moving. The walk to my apartment should take me much longer than the minutes it feels like it took. I don’t even know how I made it here, but as I take my keys out, the hairs on the back of my neck lift. I am not alone. But I don’t move. Whatever it is hiding in the shadows of the hallway, it doesn’t feel like a predator waiting for me to be vulnerable, or at least I don’t feel I am in danger.Just a presence approaching me. The hairs on the back of my neck beg for me to turn, and the lingering thought of who it haunts my mind. So I move faster trying to open the door. I move so my thoughts don’t catch up with what my body is telling me. 

A hand moves around my neck. Fast, determined, and yet softly at the same time turning my chin to him and forcing my body to meet his. I could feel it was him. I could feel my body telling me it was him.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 19, 2023 ⏰

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