chapter one

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Halloween day


Narrator was looking through a box of DVDs he got at a pawn shop for about two dollars for five DVDs he felt in the Halloween mood so most of them were horror movies and Halloween movies

And finally he found his pick

The original Halloween.

Not the dumb rob zombie remakes

The original.

He walked up to the dvd player he bought a long time ago for a movie night with the boys but they cancelled last minute so he decided to put it away until he wanted to watch a movie. He put in the DVD and walked over to the couch.

He cuddled up in a soft blanket and had some tea on the stove he was just waiting for his food to finish in the oven… aka cookies

He always loved the classic horror movies like scream and Friday the 13th he just loves to watch them even though he absolutely hates scary things he loves how horror movies look sound and feel but then as he was about to press play…

knock knock

"Shit." He thought not wanting to get up

He reluctantly got up and walked over to the door and he opened the door

"Hey narrator!" Eddie said as he hugged narrator almost crushing him if he could

"Woah hey edd" he sheepishly said as Eddie Bear hugged narrator. Narrator blushing so hard he looked like a tomato

"hi Narrator" Gabby said as she stepped inside to narrators disappointment.

For whatever reason he absolutely hates Gabby he doesn't know why but the only thing he can focus on is Eddie

Then narrator got a horrible idea.

"Do you two want some tea?"
Narrator asked innocently

"Oh yeah sure!" Eddie said because he really wanted some tea because he absolutely loves tea

"Do you have coffee?" Gabby said as she stepped into the house without asking

"Yeah I do." Narrator said as he gave Gabby a death stare to the back of her head

"Good." Gabby said in a snobby tone
As she flipped her hair and walked into the living room

"What a bitch." Narrator said as he walked Into the kitchen

He made Eddie his tea he put the bag into the mug turned on the kettle waited a few minutes added the water to the mug waited again.

Added his favorite honey and three cubes of sugar and a mint leaf he also added a few cookies on a plate for him

Then narrator made Gabby's coffee.

He grabbed some (probably expired)
Instant coffee and put it in a old dusty cup and tossed it in the microwave
For two minutes just enough to make it luke warm and added a single cube of sugar.

And a special ingredient.

"where is that rat poison?"

He opened the broom closet

"ah there it is"

Narrator put the rat poison in Gabby's tea mixing it in to make it unnoticeable and to mask the taste he added even more sugar

He slowly walked into the living room

"Here you go Eddie!" Narrator said as he gave Eddie his tea

Eddie gasped "you used my favorite cup!" Eddie said as he took a sip

"Here." Narrator said as he shoved the cup of spiked coffee to Gabby and narrator watched closely as Gabby drank the coffee.

Soon enough Gabby's tummy felt sick.

"I got to use the bathroom." Gabby said as she ran into the bathroom

Narrator listened in glee as she started to throw up and as she stepped out of the bathroom she asked

"How old was that damn coffee?"

"I don't remember I found it in the back of my pantry and I think it was an old one I'm so sorry Gabby"

Narrator said as he smiled

"I'm going home Edd are you coming?"

"I think I'm going to stay a little longer is that ok mi àmor?"

"Yeah yeah whatever."

Gabby stormed out

End of chapter one

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 19, 2023 ⏰

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