The beginning 1

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Hey, I am Kyle Katz and I have an unbearable headache, you may ask why. Yesterday was my prom and it was a fucking disaster.

Flashback ≈

Kyle was happy and having fun at the prom. Her date was her boyfriend, they had been dating for 5 years.

Kyle spotted her best friend and waved at her. Her best friend, Mille came towards her. They hugged each other and started to talk. Her bf got bored and said he would be at the washroom. Kyle said okay and to come back fast.

Kyle was drinking alone, her best friend left her to dance with her date. Kyle got worried about her boyfriend and went to the washroom.

She saw her boyfriend banging another girl. She left from there and ran out of the school. Her best friend saw it and ran after her. Kyle was crying on the sidewalk. Mille asked her what happened. Kyle said everything. Mille started comforting her and went to Mille's house. They drank until they passed out

End of flashback ≈

I don't even know how I got back, my head hurts. You might feel bad for me, but don't bother, I knew what was coming.

Kyle went downstairs and asked her mom for a cup of coffee. She drank it and got ready for school." so, how's the prom?" Mom asked."please, Mom I don't want to talk about it " I replied." I am going to school, see you, tonight," said Kyle. "Alright, also I will be last tonight. Make dinner ok?" Said her mom." Ok, mom" said Kyle.

She took her backpack out of the car and went inside the school. she saw her best friend, Mill, and went towards her.
"Hey," she said in a low voice. "Hey, you holding alright ?" Ye, a just a head but I will be fine." " I am talking about 'him'." " I will, I guess." The bell rings indicating it is time to go to classes.

In class " There were false beliefs that the mirrors are a portal to the other side, they believed that the reflections are you from the other side begging you to break them. But only physics students know the science behind it. Now, get-. " the bell rings indicating it is time for lunch. "Alright I will continue this in the next class," said the teacher.

At the cafeteria≈

"So... Did you talk to him?" Asked Mille." No, he did not come to school " answered Kyle." Did you try calling "I don't wanna talk to him."
She had a depressing face." Alright, this may sound crazy but, how about we go to that old house and cool off? " " Seriously?"" Yea? Hell yeah!!" said Kyle.

≈ At the locker ≈

Kyle took her books out of the backpack and placed them inside her locker. A group of girls came towards and said " I heard that your so-called boyfriend cheated on you must've been devastated". " what ?, who told you that?" " A little birdy did, but don't worry you will find someone who is better" she said and walked off laughing with the other two.

wtf Where does she think she is at "mean girls? I wonder how she got to know about it. ' Kyle thought and laughed it off.

Kye went out of the school and went near her car. She put her backpack inside the car and sat on the bonnet of her car. She got a call from her bf. She looked at it for a few minutes and sighed. She blocked the number.

she called her mom. Her mom did not lift the call, it went to voicemail "Hey mom I am staying at Mille's today and will be back tomorrow". She checked today's date '06-17-22'. She saw Mille come out of the school and smiled at her. Mille waved at her, she did too.

"So, you wanna go?" " hell, yeah," said Kyle. Both of them went inside the car. Kyle started driving the car( she doesn't have a driver's license).

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