Episode 2:The Justice Seeker

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Hiroshi is driven by his sense of Justice, he talksd and tried to build up possible informations  to every relatives/friends or any person who was close to Hughar,

Until a guy named Kay Umaechi said that his friend a woman and him are having a conversation and she is a close friend of the killer, they meet up every Tuesday.

Kay: "He usually meet up with me at exactly 3:00 A.M"

Hiroshi: "Could you help me get him arrested?"

Kay: I guess, but I think I need something for it.

Hiroshi:What is it?

Kay:Promise me that when you arrested him you would ask him why he became a killer, he doesn't need to be because she, my friend and Umaechi are working together

Hiroshi:Got it.. I promised....

Kay:Ok, I have to go now

Hiroshi: Wait!

Kay: Huh? What is it?

Hiroshi: Do you have an information where he lives?

Kay:Yeah, In the city of Phryl you must find a house shaped A; the color of his house is Red

Hiroshi:Thanks for the cooperation, I appreciate it.

Hiroshi arrived on the city of Phryl, he searches the area locating and finding the house he was told about on the report.

Hiroshi confused why there are no people in each others house.

Hiroshi: There must be something here, they're hiding from me,

Hiroshi:I won't let that suspect escape from the crimes he shed.

(*Hiroshi senses there's something wrong about that building*)

Hiroshi climbs from the staircase of a building there he found a telescope with a secret passage of a paper saying "I'm here, you can't arrest me and my friend you don't know which part I'm in and my friend Umaechi
I was watching you from the distance, I'm at a place with a secret passage written 04 on it,I know where he is hahahaha... Catch me if you dare!"

He explores the whole town, and underneath a mat he found a Passage written "04" in it.

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