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How could I bear another ?
Give my body to another

A moment I only wish to give,
at my fullest,
my rarest,
My purest.

The way that you fill me..
My cup runneth over the green of purity and fortune ,

For which you are both,

Like a pool of blood created from our follies of immortal sin,

For which I have no regret..

You are my valet through the darkness,
As I become darkness to protect your light,

You are my glorious release,

I envy your scent ,

It constantly gets to caress your silhouette,

.. baby, I envy your gelato, as   It burns and releases between your lips ,
Submitting your mind in a heap of..
A suck of..

I wish to be your ecstasy,
Must I be the air , as well..
Then yes,..
I ..will take every form,
Drive you ...mad-ly .. in love
...in our love.

I envy the words that leave your wet mouth when you speak,
I swim naked on the cusp of your soft waterbeds,

hoping that they see my joy and blood rush,

For your mind is  folds and chapters  more beautiful ,
More rapturing,
More substant,
than this utterly futile world I see,

I envy the ground you walk upon,
Smell the roses you leave behind
As you walk this earth with your blossoms,

I envy your whispers , too
Constantly at your lips ,
Caressing your (pretty )cheek,

Receiving your angelic frequencies that fill your mind,

If I go deaf this moment,
I only care that your lips purse and release
your "I love yous "..
Only then will I retire my sight and voice..
until that hour..

I will not envy those who love in your life,
I love you too much to torment myself over that or whom enrich your symphonies ,
Envy if I no longer exist,
It would mean being less than the man that you love.

And this I permit to no man, woman, beast, physical, spiritual....

I trust your love and sentiments,

I envy your pillows,
Because I know they carry your head when  I cannot,

Baby, I envy your blushed , pumping bosom,
For they are  constantly blooming, radiating with more life than the sun ..
and closer to your heart than I'll ever be.

I envy the medicine that you take,
For I want to be what takes your pain away.

You tell your tales,
And I am envious of your memories.
Mostly because I Couldn't share them with you

I envy the synthesis of  itself around you..

I envy my own love for you..

, Touch your hair as I do when you wake,
Cup your breasts as my warm mouth does...
when you stretch..
your wings..

Goodnight ..
I Love You...

Birds in the WindKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat