Chapter 1 the early days part 1 project bad time

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20 years later gaster had finally done it. He managed to successfully give monsterkind a basic education. It took a lot of work and help teaching the basics of physics and cosmology. Though monsterkind has existed for eons and had kept a good amount of knowledge from back then. That knowledge was slowly fading away because people were forgetting to learn about it in the assumption that others would. And while gaster grew more knowledgeable over the years eventually his creator passed away. While somewhat sad. Gaster knew this was the expected result of his life continuing.

Even boss monsters will eventually die after they have children. Though boss monsters uniquely could live theoretically forever if they didn't have any children. It just so happens that gaster was created using some of the fragments of the magic and determination of a boss monster. Though gaster was also one of the first skeleton monsters. To achieve his existence monsters had to fuse magic with a skeleton of a human. Then they had a perform a sacrifice to the gods. One of each thing they wanted gaster to have the traits of.

One of each type of insect from the continent to represent great mystical power. The life of a user of a cruelty soul to represent the karma owed by the gods. An old owl to represent the knowledge and wisdom far beyond his years. The viruses and bacteria within all of those body's to represent his ability to adapt. To evolve into something greater. The lucky foot of a rabbit to represent his luck in the dark days ahead. And a full hourglass to represent extra time whenever he needs it. The creation of gaster was a complete success. He was a monster comparable to a demigod. But with the ability to adapt and evolve.

After the death of his creator Gaster has always read the book detailing how he was created. He quickly learned to use all but one of these traits he had. he had trouble with adapting. Perhaps he just couldn't force it to activate because he was the source of why he needed to adapt in each of these attempts. It ended up creating holes in his hands. While these holes weren't growing. They weren't healing either. Maybe he could only be the source of minor adaptations to himself. Though those ones in particular weren't that useful.

He just wanted to live up to what his creator had envisioned for him. It just felt like he was supposed to. Like it was Destiny. Though he could control this feeling. He somehow instinctively knew that there would be consequences if he didn't do as that feeling told him. But all the same it didn't feel like it would would kill him or anything. It was probably for the best if didn't mess his Destiny just yet. There's not much else to do in the long term. Then he had an idea. He had already learned to create gaster blasters thanks to a bit of work utilizing his karma and magic along with Dragon skulls. What if he found a way to make it an ability his future descendents would have. 

By tapping into the power of luck he made certain his descendents would always inherit the ability to use gaster blasters and randomly inherit his current blessings. He knew gaster blasters had potential to be very powerful. He didn't want such an ability to die off someday. And his blessings weren't bad either. Either the gods didn't care about that action or were unwilling or perhaps even unable to do anything about it. Though it would have more significance than most would ever know (But that wouldn't be known until much later). Eventually gaster got married to another skeleton monster that called herself the river person.

She had a strong affinity for water magic and was good with boats. Out of his friend group gaster was the first to get married to someone. Gaster and the river person just happened to fall in love at first sight. They even got along well with each other. And yet again that feeling was there again was he supposed to disconnect with the concept of Destiny? With a small amount of willpower being focused he felt the strings of Destiny snap. From his perspective it was like the universe was shaking. Like it was a rubber ball bouncing.

But just as he noticed this it quickly stopped. He then noticed that his body had a much higher density. He felt almost metallic. But if he's not careful he can accidentally break stuff. did he evolve to be beyond Destiny? There were no obvious signs aside from the obvious. His level of existence increased just from a small amount of focused willpower. At least his existence was now on the same level as his magic. Perhaps it could be a good idea to visit the surface. It's been a long time since he talked to his only human friend.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 25, 2023 ⏰

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