Jethro's Last Words

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Tony had just managed to get the girl conscious but no matter how hard he tried he couldn't get Gibbs to regain consciousness.

At the Hospital

Director Jenny Shepard was pacing up and the waiting room hall waiting for someone to say something or let here know Jethro was going to be alright. No one dared to say anything to her not after she snapped at Ducky, everybody knew she greatly respected the doctor and always tried not be sharp with him. Finally after what seemed like a life time the doctor came out saying "We've done what we can but the water did a number on his lungs its likely he won't make it through the night you should prepare yourselves for the worst and how your going to say goodbye, he will probably be slipping in and out of consciousness" At that everyone who has been sitting down stood up, however Jenny sat down the reality of seeing the man she loves laying helpless in a hospital bed hitting her. They (except Jenny) all rushed to the room Jenny could hear the nurse saying "One person at a time please!"

Jenny watched her mind half present as the team said goodbye to the man who had grown to become their father and watched as Ziva started to cry something that should have shocked more but it didn't she was too rapped up in her own thoughts but through it all she heard Jethro ask Ducky "Where's Jen?" Ducky went silent not knowing if Jenny would be able to face Gibbs like that but his words were cut short when Jenny entered the room saying "I'm here Jethro" saying that her head spun this was real he was really going to die, she could tell by the look on his face he knew it too. Most people would mistake for him trying to distract himself but not Jenny she knew him all too well. Ducky excused himself and gave her a sympathetic look.

Jenny was about to speak when he cut her off "Jen, c'mere" he beckoned her forward and Jenny felt tears in her eyes for the first time since Cairo and that has been 5 years ago. When she got to him he reached his hand out to touch her face and when his hand touched her face that's when the tears finally fell he soothed her and with his thumb wiped the tears of he face "Jen, don't cry because of me ,please, Just listen to me and trust me when I tell you this, I love you Jen more thank you could ever know and-" But he was cut off by Jenny saying , her voice shaky " I love you too ,Jethro" And for once he looked at peace for the first time since Paris. He mumbled under his breath 'Goodbye Jen, please move on, I love you" and with that his heart crashed and his breathing halted. Jenny managed to say through her sobs "I love you too" as she placed a kiss on his lips for the last time, unaware of the six pairs of eyes that had seen everything their eyes glistening with tears but none the less glad their leader, no father/best friend had finally found some peace.

The End

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