2- The Night in Leather Armor

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Marinette's POV

"Crap! I forgot my homework!" I say frustrated. "Girl, you finished your homework yesterday in class, Ms. Bustier took it early remember?" Alya says, chuckling slightly. "Oh yeah, I forgot." I say, sounding a bit clueless, now that I think about it, I sound a bit clueless a lot.

"Fighting "you know who" must fry your brain a bit, doesn't it?" Alya remarks. "You got that right." I say sighing a bit. Just then, I see a construction crew doing restorative work on a little roadside flower garden Mylene did a while back. "Isn't that where you and Chat last fought Chat Blanc?" Alya asks, whispering in my ear. "Yep." I whisper back, "I feel bad for Mylene, she worked hard on that garden for weeks, she must be feeling so bummed right no-"

Before I can finish my sentence, I hear something falling above me, I looks up and see a sort of little, but definitely heavy stone flowerpot about to hit me, I instinctively put my backpack over my head, and brace for impact, knowing that Alya won't be quick enough to help in time, when suddenly, I feel a pair of hands wrap tightly around my waist and I'm shoved out of the way, I slowly open my eyes, hoping that I'm not dead, and thankfully, I'm not, but I can't say that the position that I'm in doesn't make me wish that I was, I see Chat Noir, ON TOP of me, looking straight into my eyes, he quickly gets up, and Alya immediately rushes over, pulling me off the ground, "OH MY GOSH, girl, are you alright?" she says worried. "I'll live." I say.

I quickly realize that Chat is still there. "Oh! Right, sorry chat, thanks!" I say. "No need to thank me purrincess." He says playfully. "Oh gosh, I told you to stop calling me that!" I say playfully just like him. He holds his hand & places it on his chest, looking hurt, "Gosh princess, those words are like bullets to my heart." He says. "Now, I can think of something you can do to thank me." He says, "& just what is that." I ask even though I already know the answer. "You can give me a kiss." he says, putting his face inches away from mine. I kiss the palm of my hand and press it against his forehead, gently pushing him away. "Alright you lovebirds." Alya says, "Save it for the bedroom."

"ALYA! You know we're not like that!" I say, squealing slightly. "Not yet." Chat says mischievously. "You're not helping right now." I say. "Who said I had the intention to?" he says. I'm about to say something when Alya pulls me by the arm. "Come on girl! We'll be late!"

"Au revoir princess!" Chat says. "Oh, shut up." I say playfully.

Chat Noir's POV

"Gosh. If ladybug didn't exist, I would be head over heels for that princess." 

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 19, 2023 ⏰

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