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I remember my first day in Oregon vaguely. It was early summer, and we were in the car, driving to our new home. Everything was there except our clothes, they were with us for our last few days in Virginia.

Glancing out of the window, the grayish sky indicated there would be rain, dulling the supposed to be "exciting" moment. It would start in about a few minutes, and I was told so would the arrival at my new home.

As if it read my mind, the rain began to pour as we pulled up to the two story home. Both my mother and father agreed that it would be best to wait to bring in the clothes, so they wouldn't get soaked. Doing as told, I walked in without anything, but before I did, I took a moment to look at the surrounding homes. Someone, around my age maybe, caught my eye, and I apparently caught his. He was soaked, but it didn't seem to bother him, what did seem too was me. I didn't really know what to do, so I just smiled and hurried inside, before the wind blew rain to where I stood on the porch.

My dad looked at my with a joking smile before asking me if I liked the kid, or if I knew him for "the gram". I of course laughed at his terminology before sarcastically agreeing with him. My mom later commented that we should introduce ourselves once the rain stops, since we arrived early in the morning, killing both my father and I's mood.

Finally ready, I took a walk around the home, since I never actually had a chance to see it with school and all coming in the way. It was nicely sized, and everyone had a room to themselves, including both of my parents who worked at home. My last place was my room, which I anticipated the most. After opening the door, I guess you could call me ecstatic. My room wasn't just big, but it had the window seat. I immediately sat on it, smiling just at the thought, peeking out the window to see the view. I felt like a two year old, and when both my parents came and saw my face, they agreed.

"Car, the weather got a little better, we brought the stuff in and we're gonna go buy groceries- or at least find where too. Just unpack then go walk around the neighborhood or something. Call us if you need anything." my mom smiled before kissing me goodbye and walking outside with my dad.

Waving bye, I locked the door and picked up both my box of clothing and shoes. Carrying both upstairs, I set them down, figuring I'd have about two hours before they came back. Starting to put my various shirts away, I stopped when I heard the doorbell. Pushing myself up, I dusted my jeans off and ran down to the door. Checking the little hole, I saw the boy from earlier, probably here to introduce himself. Unlocking the door, I smiled at the significantly taller male, saying hello. Instead of doing the same, he stared at me like earlier, and an eerie feeling began to form. I coughed a bit to bring his attention, and he apologized, telling me his mother thought that he should introduce himself. I laughed, telling him my mother did the same. A small smile formed on his pale face, making me smile unconsciously.

I invited him in, and he walked in, mumbling something only he could hear. Not bothering to look to see if we had anything, I asked him if he wanted anything to drink, to which he requested water, thank goodness too because that was all we had. Walking to the kitchen, I grabbed him water, and the same for myself. When I came back with them, his eyes darted to my monsters inc. mug, and he again mumbled to himself.

"I'm sorry, did you want a mug instead of a glass? I can go grab you one if you want it's not a big de-" I managed to get that out before he cut me off.

"No it's fine, it's just, nothing. I'm sorry." He spoke fast, closing himself off.

Part of me wanted to be intrusive, but the other half wanted to let him just have his privacy. Taking the easier option, I brushed it off, and handed him his drink before sipping mine. He kept to himself while I rambled on about me- and every time I'd ask about him, it was short. As if he were hiding a murder. Little did I know, that was exactly it.

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⏰ Ostatnio Aktualizowane: Mar 19, 2017 ⏰

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