Chapter 1 - Part 1 : The Day Everything Turned Upside Down

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The setting sun was descending gently behind the horizon... The shimmering orange light bathed the ocean in the most beautiful reflections... Small waves crashed heavily onto the beach where the fine sand sparkled... And I, I was lost in the midst of this world to which I do not belong... completely unaware, until...

- Aah !!

I woke up suddenly and found myself in front of a handsome brunet with pure honey-colored eyes, emitting a unique charm, so different from those of my kind. Then, I had a feeling that my memory was slowly coming back to me, and I started to... recognize him!!

- M... Michael?! I exclaimed, opening my eyes wide and tilting my head to get a better look at him.

- Uh... Do we know each other? He asked, surprised.

- No, I'm sorry! I must have been mistaken! I replied, trying to backpedal.

But... Could he be the Michael I met on Earth? He really looks like him!!

- Oh, my name is Michael too! He exclaimed, looking puzzled as he gave a little questioning smile.

- Really?!

Then I didn't make a mistake! It must be him...

- What happened? I found you drowned in the sea. He asked, concerned.

I was there, silent, watching him, my gaze in turmoil, struggling to digest that I was on Earth now. Trapped in this distant world...

- Are you alright? I sense that you're overwhelmed... Would you like some water? He asked kindly, offering me his small bottle from nearby.

I shook my head, eyes lowered, staring into the void...

- May I know your name, young lady? He suddenly asked, crouching down to face me.

- Gabriella... I softly articulated, surprised to discover him beside me.

- Tell me, Gabriella, did you come to the beach with someone?

- No.

- Do you live nearby?

- Not really...

- My grandma lives right across the street. He pointed out, indicating the cottage in question. I could take you to her place, you can rest and regain your composure.

- It's okay, Michael, I can manage. I confirmed as I struggled to get up.

- Are you sure? I could drive you home if you want. He offered, helping me to my feet.

- Thank you, that's kind, but don't worry about me... I reassured him, shaking off the remaining sand clinging to my wet dress.

- If you insist. Anyway, if you need anything, Gabriella, you'll find me at my grandma's. Don't hesitate. He emphasized with a smile.

- Okay, thanks again, Michael. I replied, returning his smile.

I walked away from him after saying goodbye, ready to continue my journey... except I felt lost. I looked around and saw how different the Earth was from my world. I felt alone and had no idea where to go. I glanced back and saw Michael packing up his things on the beach and heading towards his grandma's cottage... Despite this boy's kindness, I didn't want to take advantage of it in any way, and besides, I didn't know him. I shouldn't be forming bonds with a stranger, especially not a human... Ending up on Earth wasn't a choice, I had to flee to save my life, and my one and only goal here was to find Ixayis, that magical stone that would allow me to return to Lyr and reclaim the throne of my kingdom... I stopped for a moment in the middle of the sidewalk and caught a wonderful aroma emanating from what seemed to be a restaurant or café, making my stomach growl immediately. Mmm, it looked so good, and I was so hungry, but... I didn't have a single coin to buy anything to eat...

After much hesitation, I decided to enter the place... The atmosphere was warm and cozy. I could feel a few curious glances weighing me down because of my wet dress, bare sandy feet, and disheveled hair... Going from a pretty princess to this must not have been the ideal situation...

- Um, are you looking for something, miss? An employee suddenly asked, scrutinizing my condition.

- I... I would like to eat... I murmured timidly, feeling so embarrassed.

- This isn't a place for people like you, young lady. Go somewhere else. We're not a charity organization. The man replied curtly, guiding me with his hand towards the exit.

- Ryan, what are you doing? The restaurant manager appeared instantly behind the bar counter.

Turning around, I found a tall man standing upright and imposing, playing with his beard with his fingers while scrutinizing me.

- We can't just let in a girl like her! The employee explained. And given her condition, she probably doesn't even have money to pay for a meal!

- Leave her be! I'll take care of her. Get back to your work! The boss ordered.

- Yes, sir. The man immediately complied, lowering his gaze and hurrying back to his station.

- Are you hungry, young lady? The manager asked as he approached me.

- Your employee is right, sir... I have nothing to pay with, I shouldn't be here... I replied, feeling humiliated as I noticed the stares fixed on me.

- Don't worry about the money, young lady. Please, have a seat, and I'll have some food brought to you. The boss reassured me with a warm smile.

- Thank you so much, sir... I responded, still feeling embarrassed.

Taking a seat at the table, I began to question my life... I found myself alone, not knowing anyone in this world, and having nothing to live on. It felt like I had gone from a luxurious life of royalty to a life of destitution... I didn't even know where I'd be able to spend the night... Suddenly, I remembered reading that the restaurant had been looking for a waitress on a sign posted just outside. Glancing at the boss from a distance, I contemplated the idea of offering him my help in exchange for accommodation and food. Perhaps I could manage this way in the beginning, and we'll see what happens next...

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 21, 2023 ⏰

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