Goodbye, Cruel World

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December 25:
Keith was alone. He was alone in life with so many thoughts and emotions. He had no one to help him, or guide him. Keith was alone, and he hated it. He couldn't handle it anymore. So today was the day, the day Keith Kogane would end it.

December 4:
Today, all the paladins were meeting at Lance's house for dinner. We were supposed to be there at 5:30, but it was 5:20 and Lance's house was
30 minutes from where I am currently. This was bad. I'm already late!

I pulled into the McClain's driveway at 5: 53 .
I am sooo dead. You know how late I am? I hurriedly grabbed some things and ran to the door, and knocked. No answer. I knocked again and this time the door flew open, and the sound of music and the heavenly smell of supper drifted out of the front door. My eyes focused on the person in front of me. It was Pidge, glasses and all. She looked at me with a disapproving look before speaking, " You're late. Again." I mumbled a sincere apology as she led me into the house. We reached the living room and I noticed that all of the paladins were there. Including the person I had a crush on. Lance.

No one noticed me, for 20 MINUTES, until Hunk discovered I was there. As soon as he did, he told Lance. Then Lance noticed I was there ,then
Shiro. They all gave me a rude look and started criticizing me for being late. Eventually, they forgot about me again and went back to partying. I stayed in the corner, alone, the entire time.

December 9 :

I needed Shiro, or someone. I needed someone to talk to, someone that can comfort me. I cannot keep these things bottled up anymore.

So I set out to find Shiro. I left my room at the Garrison and made my way to where Shiro usually is. He wasn't there, so I went to the command center. When I arrived at my destination, my eyes landed on Shiro. A small smile appeared on my face as I approached. My hand tapped his shoulder and he eventually turned around. "Keith? What is it? Can't you see I'm busy? I really need to focus on this, sorry."
My eyes changed to pain, but I managed to keep up a smile. "Oh, sorry for bugging you."
He didn't even hear me.

As soon as I closed the door to my room, sob escaped my lips. Tears ran down my face as I slid to the ground, curling up.

December 15:
I decided to ask the gang to hang out today, just for a little while. I was hoping we could go to the mall and have lunch. In order to ask, I went to the group chat and sent the message 'hey, I thought that maybe we could hang out today, I'd like to go to the mall, but anything works!'

An hour passed, then two, then finally my phone buzzed. 'Sorry, I've got work today'
' I have plans all day' ' can't, I've got a cooking lesson' ' helping some students with a technology project'

Of course, no one wanted to hang out with me. I'll just go to the mall alone.

*At the mall*
I had just walked out of a gaming shop when something caught my eye. 4 figures that I recognized as Pidge, Lance, Shiro, and Hunk.
Before they spotted me, I sprinted towards the exit.

December 19:

My hands gripped the sharp blade in my hand, dragging it across my wrists. This wasn't the time I had done this, in fact I did it pretty much every day. I didn't deserve this world, I didn't deserve anybody.





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⏰ Last updated: Nov 07, 2023 ⏰

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