Chapter One: The Cycle

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TW: Discussion of codependent/abusive relationships

It's been so many days since it started...

Tia doesn't know how long it's been since her relationship with Aurora started. She always knew Aurora was tricky, hard to read, almost enigmatic. But Tia knew that no one should have to feel like this. Even more so in a relationship.

Sometimes she wondered if Aurora really and truly loved her. She had to, right? Aurora may be tricky and deceitful, but there was no way Aurora would use Tia. But Tia also didn't really know. There was no telling what went on in Aurora's mind. Unless you were Aurora.

Tia hoped with all her heart that Aurora truly loved her, but she also didn't know anymore. It wouldn't exactly surprise Tia if Aurora didn't even love her to begin with. Aurora was just that kind of person who didn't seem to have any qualms about using people, then ditching them when they weren't of use to her anymore.

This feeling should've been the start. This should've been Tia's warning sign that the relationship couldn't continue. All her friends told her that this was a bad idea, and that this relationship shouldn't continue, shouldn't have even started. Her friends tried to warn her.

Mainly, her best friend, Veronica. She was the one who cared for Tia the most out of all the people in the group. Veronica is Tia's best friend, and the two are nearly inseparable. Tia should've listened to Veronica, but now she's facing the consequences of her defiance.

If Tia was totally honest, the warning signs were there from the start. It should've been more obvious and Tia knew it should've. But maybe she was just too hopeful. She was always the most hopeful in the friend group, to the point that Tayce her glasses with a rose tint on the lenses as a joke gift.

Joe would always envy Tia's optimism, Ellie would always tease her for her hopeful disposition, Bimini would always just laugh and wave Tia away, Lawrence sort of admired Tia for it. All of them did, but not all at the same level. It was an odd dynamic, to be certain.

Sometimes, Tia felt so lonely, and didn't even know why, she had someone, always and forever, and someone who she knew would never leave her side, and that someone was her very best friend, someone who was always there for her, Veronica.

Tia felt like curling up and crying into her lap, and sometimes Tia felt like asking Veronica to hug her and comfort her, and laying her head on her shoulder. Just like how Veronica often did with Tia when she was upset.

The two could always just hold each other and rant about their feelings, and just let their feelings run their course. But that was just the effect that they had on each other, and that was one of the many reasons Tia cherished her special friendship with Veronica so much.

Veronica never got along with Aurora. It was fair to say the two were archenemies. In fact, the only reason they interacted with each other at all was because of their friends. But if it really came right down to it, they'd rather be on different sides of the world.

Veronica really didn't like the way Aurora treated everyone. The way Aurora treated her supposed friends can really only be likened to the behavior of a vampire. Veronica thought of Aurora as an emotional vampire, who'd attack everyone, leaving nothing but tears and emptiness behind. And Veronica absolutely hated that.

The way the situation was, in Veronica's eyes, Aurora would latch onto one of the people in the friend group. Aurora would shower them with love and attention, then slowly start asking for things from them. All sorts of things. With the promise of making it up to them eventually.

She'd physically and mentally drain the person she had latched onto. They'd devote their time, loyalty, energy, and attention to Aurora and Aurora alone. While they devoted their life to Aurora, the same could not be said about Aurora. She didn't devote anything to the person she had latched onto.

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