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Let's analyze some more positive thinking about school.

This one is obvious, but if you go to school every day, you get to see your favorite people, the people who boost your self-confidence, the people who make you feel amazing. Your friends.

Who wouldn't want to go to a place to be with people like that every day? Is it not worth the extra work? Everyone else is doing it, and it is necessary for survival.

On the other hand, you also see the people who make you feel the worst about yourself there, as well.

Who would want to go to a building of work to see your friends every day if you're just gonna get bullied? Some people might think it's worth it, but it really lowers the percentage of people who want to go to school.

Bullies are an enormous part of why people don't enjoy school at all.

Every kid at school is insecure, trust me, but it still feels so lonely to be told you're ugly and should die every day.

Everyone tells everyone that at my school, I am unsure about yours.

If your school is void of bullies, enjoy it while it lasts.

Yet, although everyone is told they are worthless, the majority still cling to a little piece of their self-love.

It's a difficult thing to do, but a necessary one.

If you look at it this way, though, school could be worth it.

Doesn't everyone have at least one subject they enjoy? Whether it be art, gym, or something intellectual like math or history, everyone has one.

If you play sports, going to school to learn how to play them better and go through with your dreams sounds amazing, doesn't it?

If you enjoy learning something like history, you still have that class to brighten your day, don't you?

Now picture this, you're miserable, alone on a desolate island. To some introverts, it sounds like a dream, but even introverted people need social interactions.

Everybody needs social interaction. It's basic human nature.

Being all alone, not seeing and interacting with someone daily, it would really strain you, and school offers those daily interactions for you five days a week.

To put this all together, school has bullies, difficult work, and stress, but it also has your non-biological family, your enjoyed subjects, and social interactions to keep you going.

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