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Peter sat timidly in the passenger seat of a car, the 17 year old boy clutching his backpack tight to his chest. He wore his neatest red turtleneck jumper and brown trousers, just like he always did. He could hear the voices of his older brother and his parents fighting outside. They were muffled, but it was clear that both parties were terribly angry with each other. Peter knew why they were angry, but at the same time he felt so confused about the entire situation.

Eventually, his brother came back into the car absolutely seething, though trying to keep his cool for Peter. The car drove away from the house, rather abruptly, as the brothers fell completely silent. As the silence went on, Peter was deep in thought, trying to answer questions he didn't quite know the answers to.

"Peter," the silence was broken, making the boy wake up from his thoughts and look towards his older brother, who seemed fairly awkward, "... It'll be okay. You never have to go back to them again."

Peter awkwardly nodded, not knowing how to process everything that just transpired, "Th-thank you, Henry."

Henry glanced toward his younger brother solemnly. He hated them. He hated his mom. He hated his dad. He hated them both, yet despite everything he couldn't bring himself to hate Peter the same way. Peter didn't deserve any of this. He didn't deserve his cushy treatment back then, and he didn't deserve his awful treatment now. Henry gripped at the steering wheel so tightly that his knuckles were turning white. This was exactly why he moved out as soon as he could. This was exactly why he got into a low-level college as soon as he could. He took out student loans, just to get away from his family. But even now, despite the freedom he gained, he felt so guilty. If he stayed longer, maybe he could've prevented all of this on Peter. Maybe he could've helped Peter better. Maybe he could've-

"Henry! You're going over the speed limit!" The shrill scared voice of his brother's voice, pulled him from the red mist. Suddenly he slammed on the breaks, nearly throwing both brother's forward. He glanced at Peter, who looked even more scared than ever. Now's not the time for this. Henry pressed on the acceleration slowly, easing his brother back into safety. "...Sorry, Peter."

Suddenly, a thought crossed Henry's mind. By the time he had came to pick Peter up, the sun was setting. "Hey, Peter, did you eat dinner?"

"Uh.. No. I didn't yet."

"Do you want me to get some fast food? I'm sure I can find something on the satnav."

"No thank you. I'm not hungry."

"Hm... No appetite, huh?"

"You can get food if you want, Henry."

"It's alright," Henry gently pats Peter's head, "I'll be fine, but I just want to make sure you're fed. You know, being hungry isn't exactly a nice feeling, it actually makes you feel a lot worse."

"I think I'll just have something light once we get there."

Henry nodded, registering Peter's request, though not any less concerned for him. Just then a phonecall pops up on the car screen, Peter tilts his head as he reads the name 'Bogey Brain' just then, Henry sighs. "Do you mind accepting that call?"

"Who is it, Henry?"

"It's Margaret, I haven't told her about our situation. It'd be best not to worry her."

Peter, puzzled, accepted the call. Just then, a loud shrill voice blasted from the speakers. "Henry! Where on earth have you gone?! You were supposed to do the washing up, REMEMBER?!"

Peter shrank in his seat, the volume startling him, but Henry was cool as a cucumber. "I'm sorry, Margaret. I know I was supposed to clean, but I have Peter with me right now."

Suddenly, Margaret's voice for quiet, "Oh... Shit. Is this the time?"

"I believe it is. The guest bedroom is empty still, right?"

"Yes it is. I apologise for blowing up the way I did, can you warn me next time you leave the flat for an urgent reason?"

"It'll depend on the urgency, but I'll try next time. I should be back in about 5 more minutes, do you want me sort out the dishes then? I think Peter might need some time to himself, before we discuss what's going to happen next."

"Uh... No no, I'll sort it out this time. But tomorrow you need to sort out our bedroom." There's an audible giggle from the speaker, "That fair, Slug Snot?"

Henry chuckles, "Yeah, that's fair... Bogey Brain." Both laugh once again, confusing Peter more. Since when were those two on friendly terms?

"Alright, see you then, Henry. And I'll see you Peter, too. Bye!"

"See you, Margaret!" Henry exclaimed

"Uh, bye Margaret." Peter said, somewhat perplexed.

Unlocking the door to his flat, Henry opens the door for Peter to walk in first, who wandered in nervously. Just then Margaret peeks her head from the kitchen, "Welcome home, Snake Skin." she announces playfully.

"Nice to be back, Horse Hair." Henry retorted, earning a snort from Margaret. "And welcome to our humble abode, Peter. Your room is just down the hall, if you need some time to yourself, aight?" She explained, softly this time. Peter just nodded, and wandered to the guest room.

"So, he's going to be staying with us instead, is he?"


"You have an idea of what we're going to do?"

"Well, he's still young so he's still got education to do. Luckily, I think they're online classes. I think we should expect some chores, and perhaps a part time job?"

"Perhaps, is he paying rent?"

"I'd prefer he save whatever he earns, but maybe we should get him used to rent. It'd prepare him for later, he was treated quite nicely before any of this happened."

"Fair enough."

"... Margaret."


"You think he'll be okay?"

"Hard to say, but it's better this happened sooner rather than later. He's going to need some therapy though."

"Maybe we could bring him to my therapist? They know me, and they've already heard about him."

"Maybe. Has he eaten?"

"He'll have something light, I'm going to make him a sandwich."

"Are you going to make me one?"

Henry weakly smiles to Margaret, "Not in a million years, Bogey Brain."

She smiles back, "Fair enough, my cookings better anyway."

Well, here's the first chapter of my newest book. I hope you like watching this story unfold! It's mind boggling to watch Horrid Henry over again, and see just how awful Henry's family is. Luckily, there will be plenty of healing in this fic, yet a lot of hurting.

Let me know your thoughts!

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