No Man's Son

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A Twilight Princess One-shot
(Based on The Legend of Zelda)

Snowpeak had been merciless. The bitter cold gradually sapped Link's energy like a greedy vulture. The deep heavy snow made his trek all the more tiring. All he had to keep himself warm was his usual green tunic and a black hooded cloak which was rather thin and worn out. He hugged it close around his body, but the chilling air still seeped into his bones. He watched his raspy breaths as they puffed in front of his face as white clouds.

Though he had not sustained any serious injuries, his whole body was sore from fighting his last battle in the old abandoned mansion. It had been a difficult fight, using all the energy he had to dodge the deadly rain of enormous masses of ice while whirling around a heavy ball and chain at the menacing enemy. He had been knocked over a few times by the blows of ice, but he had gotten back up every time without hesitation.

The magnificent mansion was a labyrinth to explore. Getting to the highest tower and back down again wasn't the easiest route. It was practically a castle in ruins, obstacles and enemies hindering his path. He had used his wit and vigour to bypass those obstacles.

All to get one shard of a mirror. But he had done it. He had completed another part of his long, arduous quest.

The mountain itself was a feat to overcome. Trekking back to Hyrule Field, Link's weary bones froze and shivered in the wind's cruel bite. When he finally returned to the cave from whence he came, Zora's Domain was waiting for him on the other side. He discarded the clock upon emerging out of the cave, knowing he wouldn't need it anymore.

At the bottom of the domain, Epona greeted him with a nudge of her long face. The warmth from her greeting induced the subtlest twist of his lips. He returned it with a single pat on her muzzle then mounted his steed, heading for the exit. He was glad to be out of that ice desert and back into the warmer air.

As he was riding back in a relaxed gallop, Minda's shadowed form emerged from his shadow, breaking the silence with her high-pitched nasal voice.

"Where are you headed now?"

In a low, calm tone, he replied, "Back to Castle Town. I need information on the locations of the other shards."

"Fine," she sighed. "Just don't take too long, dawdling. You've still got a lot to do."

He said nothing in reply but kept his eyes on the road ahead.

By the time he arrived in Castle Town, it was dark. The deep orange hues of the setting sun were not much higher than the horizon. They cast a low amber light across the land, sending it into the hour of twilight.

As Epona's hooves clapped across the wooden drawbridge, the hero felt his eyes start to droop. He strained to keep them open, hoping to not let Midna or anyone notice.

The usually bustling market was still and isolated, most of the townsfolk having retired for the night. The street lamps were lit, their humble glow reflecting on the cobblestone ground. Peace ruled the streets that night. Nothing repelled the tranquillity of the air. Just being present was enough to be tempted to tarry and rest one's bones.

Link dismounted his horse and led her to the stable. There was a worker manning the stable whom Link paid a few rupees to feed and shelter Epona.

He left her, heading back to the cobblestone path where he made a right turn for the dark alley. His leather boots tapping rhythmically against the stone was the only sound that rang as he stepped down the small staircase. He subconsciously stopped at the wooden door of Telma's Bar. The candlelight brimming through the cracks around the closed door seemed to welcome him in before he even opened it. Yet he hesitated.

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