•^}°Chapter 7°{^•

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I'm just not going to post for some times but here is chapter 7


'~2 years later~'

**✿❀Tanjiro's POV❀✿**

I woke up first and I smiled when I saw Muichiro and kissed him on the forehead I got up gently placing muichiro away and I go to my kominka and saw Machi and Theo there Machi is talking about something

"Good morning Kamado-sensei/papa"Machi and Theo greeted me

"Good morning Machi good morning Theo"I greeted back

"Machi and Theo what are you two talking about?"I ask then

"we're talking about our mission last night"Machi replied

"Tanjiro alright let me hear it then"I said

'Sure but Kamado-sensei could you please braid my hair?"she ask me

"of course I could"I replied

I sit down and starts to braid Machi's hair

"sould you tell me the story while I braid your hair Machi"I ask

"Of course Kamado-sensei I could"she answered and starts talking about her mission

**✿❀Muichiro's POV❀✿**

I woke up without Tanjiro beside me I don't usually wake up without Tanjiro beside so I was scared that he left me and would never come back so I screamed his name

"KAMADO TANJIRO!!!!!!!"I yelled

I got up and goes to the kominka

(pretend Machi Tanjiro and Theo are there)

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(pretend Machi Tanjiro and Theo are there)

"Hey love good morning"Tanjiro Said

"good morning why didn't you wake me up??"I said sulking

"hey you were in your deep sleep so I didn't wake you up"He answered

"but still wake me up when you wake up early then me!"I said still sulking

"oooooh Tokito-San is craving Kamado-sensei's love~"Machi said

Tanjiro got up and hug me kissing my cheek which made me blush

"sorry love I'm really sorry I should've had waken you up"he replied

Broken love Muitan/tanmuiWhere stories live. Discover now