Melik's Introduction

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Melik's pov:

Hello! I'm Melik. I'm 16 years old and tmr I'm starting in a new school. Rainbow high. It's the most popular school in town. My class that I'm gonna start in is called The Newborn Reds. It's the starting class. I have an older brother named Ricornardo. Rico is 3 years older than me so his class is called The Green Pros. I also have a cat that is black. I call it Darhwader. I'm so nerveus for tmr. What if no one likes me? What if everyone thinks I'm stupid? What if?...

*Rico comes in the room*

Rico - Hey loser! Mom said that It's dinner time. And after she has to take you shopping to get the new school uniform and stuff.

Melik - Okay! Chill!

Rico - Surreee, whatever.

Meliks pov:
That bastard! Why does he always have to be so annoying! I get that hes one of the most popular in school. But that doesn't mean that he has to be mean at home.

*goes down to the kitchen*

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