the start

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noahs pov
i went on the bus like usually but something was off i saw someone i didnt see before, he had a tooth gap, brown hair, and he was lowkey short, i didnt really care until i had to be sat next to him i didnt bother him but he introduced himself to me and i introduced myself to him.

i hope he doesnt use me for my smarts if we become friends.

codys pov
i walked up to the school with this boy named noah he was cool and he showed me where my classes were, we had art together he showed me where my locker was and i thanked him i looked at him walking away, until i saw him get almost suffocated by a person with blonde hair and huge love for noah i guess.

i put something down in my locker and it had a pin on it with the bisexual flag i didnt originally put it there, back in my old town someone placed it there and i adore it.

i walked up to class and i saw the guy who was squishing noah, i walked up to him and his name was owen before i could even introduce myself he already seemed happy.

i talked to him we had math tg so we walked together by the time we got there class was about to start so i sat down at the back i didnt want to interact with anyone so i prayed the teacher wouldnt bring me up to the front of the class.

but yet he did his words was "Class, Today we have a new student named Cody Anderson, Would u come up to the front of the class and introduce urself " my exact words were " i like reading" Nd i sat back down the class continued like usually but i didnt listen well.

but then science was next and i struggled with it at first but it was alright.. but then i saw noah getting something ingraved on his locker while he wasnt there it said a slur that i dont wanna repeat.

i saw him coming back so i acted like i didnt see it on his locker

i walked over to my locker seeing the word "fag" ingraved in it i didnt bother trying to pay attention but then i saw cody getting stuff from his locker next to mine i didnt want to be weird to him, but he seemed cool to hang out with.

"hey cody?" he responded "yeah?" "do u wanna come over to my house today" "sure!" i was glad he wanted to but he covered his smile for some reason so i asked "why'd you cover ur smile?" he responded with "oh i just dont like my tooth gap thats all" "well i like it so dont cover it okay?" he was bright red "o-okay".

we walked to my house and i warned him about my family but he didnt mind, i opened the door to chaos i whispered to myself "oh my fucking god" i put my hand on codys back leading him through the house into my room.

and i told him, "do u like video games" cody : "i love them!" noah : "well do u wanna play" cody : "duhh" we played like almost all night and im so happy he didnt talk about my gay flag cause its what a lot of people do when they come into my room but cody was a nice boy..

and cute.. but what was i thinking hes straight.

i opened my door for my dog to come into my room and cody looked so happy and he said "OMG IS THIS UR DOG HES SO CUTE" i laughed while he pet my dog, he shortly left and i already missed him good thing i got his number

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