The return of Gene!!!

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One faithful afternoon, Peter and Wendy were in there apartment just chilling and finishing up their early dinner when they heard a big crash come from outside.

Peter: What's that sound?

Wendy: Lets go check it out.

Peter: Ok.

Wendy: OMG is that Gene?! 

Peter: OMG yes it is!

Peter: And she's being taken away by a witch!

Wendy: Come on we have to go save him!

Wendy: Peter?

Wendy: PETER!

Wendy: Marco.

Peter: Polo! 

Wendy: Come on Peter stop joking around! We have to go save Gene.

Peter: How about you go save Gene, and I stay here and clean!  

Wendy: I already cleaned.

Peter: I will clean again then.

Wendy: Stop fooling around. Your acting chicken.

Peter: I am not!

Wendy: You are!

Wendy: If your not, then come with me before the witch gets away with Gene!

Peter: Fine let's go....

Wendy: I will call my friend Mark so he can help us.

Peter: Why?

Wendy: Because he is a detective with a police dog that can help us sniff out Gene from the witch.

Peter: Good idea!

Wendy: *smirks* I know.

*ring ring ring*

Wendy: Hello?

Mark: Hi! What you need this time?

Wendy: Can you come over to my house?

Mark: For what?

Wendy: Some witch took my friend Gene.

Mark: Well if he's a genie cant he just teleport?

 Wendy: *sigh* Gene is just his name, he is not a genie, okay?

Mark: Ok, ok... You don't have to yell.

Wendy: So you'll come?

Mark: Fine I'll will be there in five. 

Wendy: Perfect and bring Max.

Mark: Ok see you in a few.

 Wendy: Ok, bye!

Peter: You were on the phone for a long time, what's up? Is he coming? 

Wendy: Yes he will be here in a couple minutes.

Mark: I'm here.  

Wendy: How did you get here so fast?!

Mark: I knew you needed help so I was already on my way before you called me.

Wendy: How did you know?

Mark: No time for that, we have to go save your friend. 

Wendy: Ok lets go.

Mark: Max come here.

Max: *bark bark*

Mark: Wendy did Gene drop something behind that Max can sniff to track his sent.  

Wendy: I don't know? Why don't we all look. 

Peter: Come on everyone start looking.

Mark: Ok fine, come on Max start looking.

Max: *rapid, urgent barking*

Mark: What is it boy.

Max: *bark*

Mark: I think he found something! 

Peter: Really?

Wendy: Really?

Mark: Well lets go look.

Wendy: I found what Max was barking at!

Mark: What?

Wendy: A scarf, maybe it belonged to Gene?

Mark: Huh?

Mark: Is that it? 

Wendy: Unfortunately yes.

Mark: Well I guess it will have to do.

Mark: Max come here.

Max: *bark bark* 

Mark: Max sniff this scarf and track down who it belongs to, ok?

Max: *bark*

Max: *sniff*

Mark: *runs full speed*

Mark: Max come back!

Wendy: Maybe should follow him?

Peter: Ya he is probable trying to find Gene. 

Wendy: Ya lets go.

*Time skip to when they catch up to the dog* 

Mark: Max wait up!

Max: *rapid barking*

Wendy: Wait, what?

Stay tuned for part 3!!!!

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 01 ⏰

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