Abilities and physiology

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Born from the amorous affairs of the female Altiora and the Zalani, indigenous males from the other world known as Africa. The Noxcorium have traits from both sides of their progenitors. Their hair can be either euro centric or Afrocentric, but their skin and hair are always dark. During the day the magic of a Noxcorium is weak, it's still usable but not very effective. However all the physical traits of a Noxcorium are boosted significantly. They have increased strength, speed, agility, Durability and reflexes at day time and it's strongest at high noon. This is because the Noxcorium get this boost from the heat and appearance of the Venonda's sun. But at night time their physical attributes go back to being that of a normal human, but during the night time the Noxcorium gain a godly boost to their magic. The Noxcorium need only six hours of sleep a night.

Their eyes can reveal a lot about them, as the color can range from tan, light brown, hazel, or even green. However, their mood can greatly impact their eye color. When feeling calm and collected, their natural eye color shines through, but when furious, their eyes glow a brilliant red. In times of sorrow or despair, their eyes turn an ethereal indigo-white. Moments of pure joy or excitement result in a stunning purple hue, whereas stress causes their eyes to transform into a fiery orange.

The Noxcorium body is highly distinctive in its rapid muscle growth, particularly in males. However, regardless of gender, Noxcoriums can only accumulate up to 25% body fat as their metabolism efficiently burns fat faster than it can be stored. Noxcorium are believed to only be able to reproduce with others of their own race. If a male were to ejaculate inside a female of a different species, the seed would reportedly evaporate. Similarly, if a female were to mate with a male of a different species, her body would incinerate any foreign material, including any embryos that may have formed, due to her immune system. However, there is a unique half-breed that exists because of a genetic loophole within the Noxcorium gene. On Venonda, the Noxcorium cannot mate with individuals outside their own race. But, there was once a female Noxcorium named Erthia who accidentally brought a human from Earth to her dimension. This human, named Darius, bore a striking resemblance to Erthia, except for his lack of pointed ears. The two were mutually intrigued by each other and became friends, sharing stories of their respective worlds. Over time, their friendship deepened and they became lovers. Erthia surprisingly became pregnant with Darius' child and gave birth to their daughter, Zahir. Although the Noxcorium are a distinct race following their rebirth by the savior Nifeem, they still retain genetic material from their African human ancestor, the Zalani tribe. This unwittingly led Erthia's body to believe she was being inseminated by a member of her own race.

The lifespan of the Noxcorium ranges from 1,700 to 1,900 years, which is a result of their Altioran ancestry, albeit at a reduced rate. Regular Altiora can live for 70 to 80 thousand years.

Regardless of the time of day, the senses of a Noxcorium are godlike. That sets them apart from other beings, they are perpetually tuned into the stimuli around them.

One of their most impressive senses is their super hearing, which is so acute that they can detect faint sounds that are miles away. This means that Noxcorium can discern even the slightest whisper from an incredible distance, something that would be impossible for most other races. This special ability also allows them to pinpoint the location of a sound with razor-sharp accuracy, making them expert hunters and trackers.

Their sense of smell is equally impressive and it enables them to detect odours that are miles away. This could be a helpful tool for tracking prey or identifying nearby dangers that other creatures might not be able to smell. No scent is too faint or too elusive for Noxcorium to detect, and they can pick up on nuances in the scent that other species would miss entirely.

Noxcoriums' eyesight is yet another one of their exceptional senses. Their vision is so precise that they can see even the smallest details from far away. They are reputed to be able to see farther than any other race, making them particularly adept at scouting and surveillance. This sharp eyesight also makes them ideal for pursuits that require accuracy and precision, such as archery or gunmanship.

The Noxcorium's sense of taste is well-defined and refined. They are capable of distinguishing between subtle differences in flavours and tastes, allowing them to appreciate nuances in food or drink that other races might not ever notice. This, along with their superlative skillset, makes them excellent culinary experts and gastronomes.

One lesser known fact about the Noxcorium is that they are highly susceptible to cold environments. Exposure to low temperatures can prove fatal for them, causing a gradual shutdown of their immune system and slowing down their movements significantly. Dressing extremely warmly and staying near hot things like fire elevates this weakness.

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