Chapter one

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I'm running faster then I ever have before but I never get away I end up falling from darkness into a glass box just like the one in my fear scape but this time I'm panicking not like before to were I can control my self but like I'm a third person view I can see my self and feel my emotions but yet I can also see what's happening I watch as the box fills up with water and I watch the version of me bang and panic against the glass like the first time I ever did it all those years ago and I feel flustered and panicked I wanna tell myself calm down but I can't speak then the water reaches my head and I drown slowly until the light of life is almost gone my eyes slowly begin to close and I watch my life almost end and I can't do anything about it. Then someone shoots the glass and the glass shattering and draining the water out I sit up and look for the person who saved me well stoped my from drowning I look up and see Tobias I run to him he is coverd in blood on the floor suddenly the area setting changes and we're in the pit my knees crumble next to him hitting the dirt overwhelmed by the scene I sob both me and the version of me I watch I can't speak no matter how hard I can only cry he stutters my name out "tris-" coughing up blood I watch the light leave him and suddenly the setting changes I clasp onto his dead body but it fades away suddenly I'm right back to the choosing ceremony with my mom my dad and even Caleb sit there as I watch the version of me choose dauntless my family in sync shakes there head and group around me my dad scolds me for choosing dauntless Caleb stunned and my mom crying then in the darkness I hear my mom say "Beatrice listen to me closely this information can save all of us" I nod then bang a hear a gun shot and my mom falls in front of me not being able to finish I try to beg her to finish but once more I can't talk the words don't come then suddenly it's all black and I watch as I lay on that metal table about to be killed and as my executer comes closer and says "you are a traitor you failed you fraction and your family" a familiar voice Caleb's voice no I scream in my head NO!! As he injects me with the needle my vision slowly fades and memories of every one I let down flash I scream but no one can here me NO NO NO!!!

I shoot up awake screaming as tears fall down my cheeks "NO!!NO!!" I sob Tobias shoots up turning over and switch's on the lamp next to our bed "hey hey hey shhhhh it's okay I got you I got you" as he cradles me and holds me tight I'm relieved just a bad bad dream.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 20, 2023 ⏰

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