Reveals - 13

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Aerys's head rested against her tummy, the two bathing in their sweat, playing with each other hands.
Rain echoing through Storm End's walls.

"You know... you can choose another suitor if you want, I mean-"

Rhaenyra shut him with a kiss.

"As time goes, I don't believe there is a suitor better than you.
Plus we could sort what make us close out."

She told him with a kind smile to reassure him.

"*sigh* Sometimes I wonder, is all.
For the suitor thing, I just know that you and Beakbones share a thing.
Just wanna make sure.
Without forgetting that people probably put a target on my back for marrying a second time, the fact I deny their gods....
Just... just want to be sure, you know?"

Rhaenyra wasn't really surprised about him knowing about her affair with Harwin, after all she was sure it was bound to happen.
Yet she would reassure him again, at the end they will most likely never be truly set apart.

"*chuckle* I appreciate that about you."

"Appreciate what?"

Aerys inquired.


She removed her hand from his, trailing his torso.

"Behind your tough persona lays a good side.
Never forget it."

"*chuckle* Enough about corny shit."

He started to got up slowly, grapping her hands in his, before going for a kiss and much more...



n New Valirya at the Keep, a few of the braziers had been lit.

The flames appeared here and there as if blooming out of the blackness.
The orange glows flickered like tongues of light.
Conspiracies were made.

"Make you a reason, Tybias, if father truly wanted us back he wouldn't have bargained with us in the first place."

"And then what?
We wait here for the rest of our days?
If we send words-"

The man named Tybias has been stopped midway by other before.
Clenching his thirst with a drink before speaking.

"Look around you!
We are surrounded, dragons and guards everywhere.
What he'll do anyway!?
Send peasants like the ones he gave him?
Make yourself a reason, we may see Sunspear again but in our older days, not now."

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