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The day was like any other at Seattle Grace Hospital, people lives were saved, George got syphilis from one of the nurses which Madison couldn't and wasn't bothered to remember the name of, and all interns, nurses, ect, had to sit through a demonstration about safe sex. Yeah, it was just a typical day at Seattle Grace Hospital.

Madison walked into the lobby and saw Derek, Meredith, and an attractive red head near the exit of the hospital. Madison seeing a look on Meredith's face, quickly walked over to them and stood next to Derek as she raised an eyebrow at Meredith,

"Hey, everything ok here?" She spoke and Derek jumped a bit not seeing her walk over to them as Meredith looked at her with sad eyes and the redhead raised an eyebrow at her before sticking out her hand.

"Addison Shepherd-," Madison at first thought that Addison was a relative of some kind as she grabbed the redhead's hand and shook it,

"are you sleeping with my husband too or?" Madison's eyes widened as she looked as she slowly turned her head and gave both Derek and Meredith a "wtf" look.

Madison quickly let go of Addison's hand and elbowed Derek in the stomach as she gave Addison a tight lipped smile.

"No, sorry to disappoint you but it has been a pleasure meeting you but Meredith and I have to get home so-" Madison walked past Derek, who was currently holding his stomach in pain, to Meredith and she quickly grabbed her hand and started dragging her out of the hospital. Madison quickly turned her head to look at Addison, who was trying to keep her laughter down at what happened to her husband, "Love the coat by the way!"

Madison held Meredith's hand all the way until they got to her car, as she was about to say something until she felt arms embrace her in a tight hug and her shirt starting to get wet. Madison sighed softly as she wrapped her arms around the heartbroken blonde and she stared rubbing her back soothingly.

"Common Sunny, let's get you-" Madison's sentence stopped as she felt Meredith shake her head and she sighed before thinking for a second. Madison already knew where Meredith wanted to go, although she would rather do it in the safety of Meredith or her own home, Madison let go of Meredith and both of them got into her car before driving down the street to the nearby bar.

Madison and Meredith have been sitting at the bar for a good hour now, Madison has just been drinking a water and some lemonade as she watches Meredith take shot after shot. Now, you would expect someone in Madison's shoes to try to talk to their friend who is in pain but, Madison doesn't do that. Madison knows Meredith like the back of her hand and Madison knows that Meredith will talk when she is ready so that is what she does.

Madison finishes her lemonade and the bartender comes and fills up her glass and Meredith's shot glass as he makes small conversation,

"You two look familiar. You two been in here before?" The bartender asks and Madison gives him a polite smile and a nod of thanks after he finishes filling up their glasses.

"Once... that worked out really well." Meredith replies and Madison winces as she takes a shot. The bartender gives a look to Madison and she gives him a tight smile, "It's been a day" she says as she drinks her lemonade and the bartender nods in understanding before looking at Meredith.

"I know that look, can be only one of two things-" he begins as he pours Meredith another shot, "Either your boss is giving you hell or your boyfriend is, which one is it?" He asks with a kind smile, both Madison and Meredith reply in union which kinda creeps the bartender out.


Madison sips on her drink as Meredith continues to speak to the bartender before he walks away to serve other customers. After a couple of minutes Madison was about to break the silence before Meredith beat her to it,

Style- A.Montgomery Where stories live. Discover now