ONE: The Goth Girl of Hawkins.

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   Sometimes, two people meet each other and know they're meant to be. Maybe not immediately, but they'll know when the right time comes. But sometimes... that time may be too late. Too late for them to say those loving words, to confirm their care for each other.

   Sometimes, people might not get a 'happily ever after.'

   Hawkins, Indiana—1984.

   My name is Max Mayfield. I've recently moved to Hawkins, and... it's not exactly the best place around, especially compared to California, but it'll have to do. It's not like I had a say or a choice in whether or not to move. Hell, I rarely get a say in anything anymore. But that's besides the point. My mom and her new asshole boyfriend, Neil, decided to move here, and brought along... Billy. Billy is probably the worst step-brother someone could have.

   At least I met... some people. I don't even know if I can call them friends. And their "group leader," Mike... I can tell he doesn't like me very much. He might even hate me. But it's not like I care, or anything. Lucas and Dustin are nice enough, and I barely even see Will enough to have an opinion on him. I'm sure he's nice, but I don't know what he sees in Mike. He seems to ponder over him a lot, I've noticed. It seems there are more different people in Hawkins than I thought. I'd like to get to know him more. Although, our personalities don't match up quite well, I suppose. He's shy, quiet, while I'm sarcastic and hotheaded. Maybe I could help him stand up for himself more? I don't know. I know he likes to draw, from what I've heard from the others. I'm sure his art is okay, considering the fact that Lucas and Dustin always say how good he is.

   And... Mike has told me about this girl named El. I don't know why, but something about her seems so intriguing. I want to get to know her, but I doubt that I will ever meet her. Mike said she moved away last year. But there's still so much to know, and there's just something about her that gives off a good vibe. I don't think she's like all of those other snobby girls with faces caked with makeup. I think she's different, like me. And her name... El. That must be a nickname, right? What's her full name? Eleanor? Ella? She was also the only girl in the Party. There's so many mysteries about her, maybe that's why I wonder so much about her. I huffed out a sigh. It's no use wondering anymore, I guess. I'm never gonna meet her anyway.

   The bell ringing snaps me out of my thoughts. The teacher quickly dismisses us, and the kids rush out of the classroom. I see Mike, Lucas, Dustin, and Will scamper out as a group outside of the room, and Mike seems to shoot a cold glare at me before disappearing with the others. I frown. What did I do to make him hate me so much? I decided to stop thinking about it. Me worrying about someone not liking me is stupid. If he hates me, so be it. I don't have to like him either.

   I grab my stuff and follow them out of the classroom. I trail behind Lucas and Dustin; Will and Mike are at the front of the group, talking about God knows what. Lucas turns to look at me with a friendly smile. I'm in too much of a bad mood to return it.

   "Hey, MadMax," he starts in a cheery tone. Yeah, MadMax sure did seem fitting for how I felt right now.

   "Hey." I don't even look at him as I reply. I keep my eyes on the ground, just wanting to be able to cool off for a bit without having to deal with anyone or anything.

   Even though I can't see him, I can tell a look of concern is plastered on his face. I can just sense it. It's the look that everyone gives me. He lets out a sigh, and I keep walking.

   "Max, is everything—"

   "Everything's fine," I snapped. I grabbed my skateboard as we walked out of Hawkins Middle. Lucas and Dustin glanced at each other, watching as I skated away. They soon began muttering to each other, while Will and Mike walked together to where Will's mom, Joyce, was waiting in her car.

The Day You Saved Me // Elmax AUWhere stories live. Discover now