Dark Humor

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 Loves Desire

                   Desire, something everyone has whether its money, revenge, lust, acceptance, power, or useless things. But my desire is different its love, the most complicated and hurtful of them all, especially when you don't believe in it. It's not that I don't believe you can't be in love, I just believe that anyone can be in love and have it work out, well besides myself. I believe that there are 5 different kinds of love, friendly, family, true, obligated, and lastly secretive love (when you love someone, but you know you shouldn't, so you keep it to yourself). I know that if i ever loved someone, it would either never work out or they would never love me back in the first place. Surprisingly I used to believe in love but that all stopped the night of my eleventh birthday, you see before that night i had a normal family (everyone thought) it was me, my mom Jesica, my dad Cameron, and my older brother Justin. Me and my brother were always arguing before but now we really lean on each other for support, we couldn't have gotten this far without each other. My parents never showed affection or love for me and my brother, so I don't know why it was so surprising when i woke up on my eleventh birthday and found my mom and dad drunk and waisted in the kitchen screaming at my brother. As soon as i stepped foot in that kitchen all i could hear was my parents starting to hit Justin, and just yelling at me to go back upstairs and saying he was fine, which he was clearly not he had blood pouring from his nose and a cut above his eyebrow from one of moms broken beer bottles. And i, as you guessed it, didn't listen. Instead, I stepped Infront of my brother and took the next swing from my mom's beer bottle that was meant for Justin, and it sliced my shoulder open making a long cut through my pink striped pajamas i had gotten for Christmas from my best friend Draco. Before i could even prosses the amount of blood that was coming from my shoulder my dad punched me in the mouth making a 2-inch cut from my lip onto part of my chin. After that me and my brother ran, we stayed in a hotel for 2 days until our parents found us and said we needed to come home to keep up the family name of Archem, so it made them look good. We agreed because we didn't have any money left and hadn't eaten in the past 2 days. After we went back everything was different, we both got into Hogwarts, and when we were forced to go home for social events we were closed off and depressed. After that night i never talked to anyone besides my brother and a girl we met when we were on the run, Alex who got into Slytherin with us, she has been my best and only friend scene Draco. At first when i saw him at Hogwarts i ignored him then he started to bully me, so we haven't been friend's scene.

That was 5 years ago I'm now 16 and my brothers 18 and on his last year at Hogwarts. Me, Alex and Justin were currently in the Slytherin end of the train stuck in this tiny ass compartment for 5 hours and i had a plan i was just going to smoke weed until my claustrophobia faded away. "Em, what the fuck, how many times do i have to tell you to not smoke on the goddamn train!" Oh yeah i forgot to mention, my brother isn't very fond of my new hobbies of drugs and drinking till I've blacked out, "How many times do i have to say that whenever you tell me to not smoke on the train I'm not going to stop" I say in my most smart-ass voice. "At least go do it in another compartment i can't fucking breath in here with you doing that." "Fine whatever, Alex want to come?" "Nah I'm good babes i want to get high later at the party" "Alright, later losers" I walk out of the compartment and head strait to riddles compartment, AKA the pureblood bitches compartment, I'm pureblood but was never interested in joining their little club. See riddle was the only half barrable one there, because he had drugs and dint bother me too much. Well, that's besides Draco, he had stopped bullying me and we kind of just avoided each other at all costs now, but to be completely honest i wanted to get to know him again but i couldn't deal with another person potentially walking out on me again i would be broken, well more than i already am. I slid open the compartment door and all of them stop their conversations to look at me, "Uhh, the ugly bitch is here, i was really hoping you would have died over the summer" pansy or bitchface says as soon as she sees me. "Yeah, you know i tried but i guess I'll just have to try harder next time" I said in a joking tone though anybody could tell that i wasn't joking. "Riddle", "Archen, let me guess, weed" "Aww you know me so well, yes, i do want weed" "Here" he hands me a baggy full, "Thx, see you at the party. Bye fuckers!" i waved to everyone and flipped them all off while i slide the door shut.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 16, 2023 ⏰

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