Entry no.3

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Tis me again diary

It's been so long i have to catch you up on a lot where do i begin?

Well for starters the eggs have gone missing :((
I'm so worried about them what if they're hurt and cold or even worse dead or even more cracked what if the federation got them and are running horrible experiment's as I write this

Best no to think about it...new members "joined" us Philza told me they were found in ice?????? I did see one of them I think they mistook me for cucurocho :/ how is that even possible i look nothing like it????

I've been spying on cucurocho...all it does is laugh at random things ( now that ha ha ha is stuck in my head..thanks cucurocho ) and brush its fur...is this what it does in its free time? ( i still do not know cucurocho's gender so ill use it/its pronouns )

Cucurucho wasn't even its name...it was given to him by [CLASSIFIED] but anyway—

I snuck into a federation meeting..I'm surprised nobody saw me..i dug a hole under the top of the seating area before anyone came and now there are these minime's??..I couldn't resist myself so i got one I called them kit I thought it was a good enough name

Till we meet again diary


Ps. Need to flipping shed
Pss. Need to see what residents are doing
Psss. Need to [CLASSIFIED]

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 21, 2023 ⏰

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