Chapter 3: Lance

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There was no way Lance was letting Keith go in alone. Anything could happen to that half-Galra paladin. Not like Lance cared, or anything, but...he could DIE! Or get seriously hurt. Or both. He mentally chided himself to stop worrying, then summoned his blaster, and watched as Keith used his sword to cut a round entrance into the ship. If you've never seen a Galra cruiser, it's about as big as three buses glued together, with so many purple windows, it reminded Lance of an actual cruise ship, only this one was dark gray. And had a cannon on top of it. And the citizens in it were not friendly. He dropped in after his leader, who had his sword ready, as they navigated the hallways. It was lit with purple glow-ie lights, showing off the black walls with the curved, dark gray columns. They stopped at an intersection. For a minute, Keith hesitated. "I don't like this. No guards? Something's up..." Then, he took a right. Lance followed, making sure no one was behind them, and wondered why he felt so nervous. Sure, when he was on the regular mission, he got a little nervous, but now, he felt like he was being watched by someone hiding in the shadows. They followed the hall, turning left, since it was the only direction. After a few more turns, they made it to the cells, and looked in through the bars, which showed them many prisoners of different alien races. Lance shot the control panels, while Keith sliced them up, and didn't even wonder why the alarm wasn't going off. Usually, on a cruiser such as this, they'd be known about instantly. But not today. And he didn't find it suspicious at all. Anyway, once all the prisoners were free, they led them through the maze, not even half-way through when Lance heard a ticking clock.

Chapter 4: Keith

Keith looked around, making sure they weren't being followed, then stopped when he saw a figure at the other end of the hall. Glowing eyes, purple skin, white hair. He readied his sword. "Lotor." He snarled, feeling his anger bubble. Zarkon's son stepped out of the shadows, readied his own sword, and smirked. "Oh, Keith, I can't tell you how long I've been waiting to catch up." His eyes gained a murderous glint, then he rushed forward, and slashed at Keith. He blocked the side-strike, rather easily, and yelled to Lance, "Get them out of here! I'll meet you up there." Lance hesitated, at first. "Are you sure? This is Lotor–" Keith slashed at Lotor's cheek, succeeding in drawing blood. "Just GO! NOW! That's an order!" Like the others, Lance knew not to resist an order. Not out of fear, or respect, but trust. Before he left, Lance shot Lotor in the shoulder, knocking him off his feet. Then, he raced down the hallways, with the prisoners at his heels. Lotor stood, clutching his shoulder, now disarmed. "Where's your sword, prince?" Keith teased, panting. Lotor scowled. "I don't need a weapon to beat you." Then, before Keith could register what was happening, he rushed forward, and pinned Keith to the ground. His sword skittered down the hall, out of sight. Lotor put his hands on Keith's neck, then squeezed, cutting off his air supply. He tried to peel the prince's fingers away, but couldn't, it was useless. "You always underestimate me, Keith." Lotor told him, smirking evilly. Keith gasped for air, then kicked Lotor away, and felt it before he heard it. An explosion, somewhere down the hall, and coming their way. He got up, ignoring his lack of oxygen, and ran. It was a risk, he knew it, but he grabbed his bayard from the other end, then slid under Lotor's sword, and ran for the exit. The last thing he remembered was a sharp pain in his side. The world was gone after that.

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