Healthy Revelations

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Austin's POV
As a month passed, a lot happened. My grades improved, I got a girlfriend, And more importantly I now have a friend. Yea yea, I know cheesy. Matthew and I have both been getting closer too, He's pretty great honestly (no homo though...right?) . The only problem is, Matthew is starting to fail. Honestly, I think it's because of his girlfriend, yanno, Sandy. It's almost like she's not even his friend, let alone, girlfriend. Anyways, I'm getting ready for a double date. Matthew, Sandy, my girlfriend, and I.

~out of POV~
Matthew sat in his car, About to knock on Sandy's door. But Matthew Didn't make it to the door. "Babe! you're three minutes late you twit!" Sandy screeched, and stopped outside of her side of the car. "Well...aren't you gonna open it for me?" Matthew shuffled outside and opened her door, sighing. "M'Lady" "Finally, you're polite, Matt" Matthew chewed on his bottom lip, suppressing a groan that was about to come out.

Austin knocked on His girlfriend's door. "Hey" Austin smiled, leading her to her door, and opening it. "Thanks" She said, sitting down. "You look great, By the way." "You don't look too bad yourself" after both couples got to the restaurant, they took their seats. The night consisted of Sandy complaining, & Austin awkwardly clearing his throat. "Thanks so much, Tinny" his girlfriend said, kissing his cheek, then following him out to his car. "No problem, Elise." Austin drove "Elise" home, followed by and awkward hug. Sandy stomped out of the restaurant, dragging Matthew out. "I can't believe they undercooked my steak!" Sandy squealed. "You ordered it medium rare! It's supposed to be pink" Matthew laughed nervously. "You're a terrible boyfriend!" Matthew sighed and said "Okay that's it. I'm breaking up with you." And that was basically how Matthew's cheesy, rude, teenage relationship ended. With a cheesy, rude teenage ending.

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