Information and Requests

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Hello there, my name is TheFlittleOne. Because you all helped me get to 100 followers, I wanna give back to you by letting me read some of your fanfics you request and then I'll read and rate it

Here are a few rules:

-The fanfic must me apart of one of these fandoms or things I like:

- The Owl House
- Pokémon
- Amphibia
- Gravity Falls
- Chikn Nuggit
- The Amazing Digital Circus
- LGBTQIA+ Stuff
- Anything about Axolotls
- And Zodiac/Horoscope stuff
- I may update this if I find anything else I like...

- You can send me as many requests as you like. And I have no intentions on completing this book review so request as much as you like! :)
- I will follow anyone who requests stuff on here and I will make sure to mention you and tell people to follow you
- Please only send me a fanfic you have made yourself, not someone else's fanfic unless they have told me themselves it's ok to mention them here
- I will re-read a fanfic so if you know I've already read a fanfic of your's, I will gladly re-read it!
- You will have to be patient with me when it comes to reading the fanfic, especially if it has so many chapters
- I will not read anything smut, make out scenes or just anything 18+!!! This sort of stuff makes me really uncomfortable reading so please don't send me stuff including that
- I will read fanfics about any type of relationship, whether it be a hetero ship, a slash ship, a femslash ship, a non binary ship or even a poly ship. I love every type of relationship and will glady read a story about any!
- I'm fine reading about violence and angst, as long as it doesn't get... too realistic, if you know what I mean. But I love angst so much so I'll read angst no matter what!
- I won't read anything where a character's canon sexuality is ignored or changed. So if a character is canonically attracted to girls (for example, Amity Blight) I won't read anything about them x male character or something like that. So NO Aroace character x anyone romantically please!!!
- If you do send me anything with the following that I dislike, I will kindly decline reading that fanfic. However, I will give you the opportunity to send me another fanfic of your choice to read. If this once again violates the rules I have set up I won't take anymore requests from you

Now I think that's everything, I will mention if I ever need to update some of the rules or fandoms. So I hope you request to your heart's content! Until next time, byyeeeee!!!

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