(Short) Cyanide.1

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"Good morning, anomalies! It is time to wake up. Please get ready for the day, and wait for your professors." Spoke the robotic automated voice through the PA system, leaving Anomaly 435, or Cyanide, to squirm in her bed, not wanting to wake up.

But the anomaly knows not to disobey orders, so she gets up to change out of her nightgown. Her heavy mechanical arms weigh her down and give her a bit of trouble slipping out of her sleep-wear without frustration. After all, putting on clothing isn't the easiest when you have razor-sharp fingers that could easily tear cheap or thing material. 

"Messy..." Cyanide mumbled through her rows of sharp teeth as she glanced in the mirror to look at her hair, after changing into her usual wear, a simple light pink shirt underneath light blue jean overalls. 
Her dark brown hair was indeed messy, it being rather all over the place and just knotted and tangled overall. 
She then noticed the symmetrical and subtle scars on both ends of her mouth. She gently traced the back of her metallic finger over the scar on the left side of her mouth, remembering the many muzzles she'd had to wear to be prevented from biting anyone over the years. They were always tied on so tightly, it's no wonder they imprinted marks.

"Ah, I see you're already awake, Cyanide." Spoke a sweet, feminine voice as a beeping noise was heard. Cyanide turned around to see her professor. Her owner. Professor Power, or Dr. Power.
"Did you have a good sleep?" The woman stepped closer, holding a platter of thick pieces of meat in the shapes of cubes.
Whether it was raw or cooked wasn't something on the anomaly's mind, as soon as Dr. Power placed the plate down on the same table Cyanide sat at, signaling that she could eat.

Cyanide rushed over, and began scarfing down on the food she was brought, "I'll take it that you had a decent morning so far." The black-haired woman gently smiled and walked towards Cyanide, beginning to comb the little girl's hair. She was too busy eating to care about the painful experience of having her hair combed, so it worked out in the end when her short and scruffy hair was groomed and out of her face. Mostly.

"Now, now, it's time for us to go, Cyanide. We have a long day ahead of us." Dr. Power spoke once Cyanide finished eating, and wrapped a collar around the child's neck with the text "435, Dr. Saki Power" written in the front. Cyanide whined as the collar was placed on her, and had her owner's hand around her wrist as the pair walked out of the dwelling quarters.
"Don't be like that, dear. You know I have to keep that on you, because if I don't, how will anyone know you are being monitored? If a guard or professor catches you without it, you will be taken and put into the waiting room. We wouldn't want that, now, would we?" Dr. Power reminded Cyanide of the consequences, still holding onto the child's wrist. 

Cyanide said nothing as they walked through the hallways, seeing other anomalies being taken into rooms by their professors. Even though Cyanide had been there most of her childhood, she still felt so small in such a large building with other anomalies like her, some being large, while others were small enough to be held.
The diversity fascinated her. She felt small.

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