Katherine (Story From Dream).1

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"You're absurd." They'd say, "You need to calm down", and they'd fucking say, "You're delusional."

I dont care. I saw what I saw. I saw it after me, and I couldnt escape it. Everywhere I went, it followed.

It was lunch time, and I was stting at an empty table outside, until the only 2 people who put up with me arrived. The Han twins, Han Lí-Míng, and Han Mèi-Lí.

"Katherine?" Mèi-Lí snapped her fingers infront of my face as I had zoned out. Her voice was calm, and soft, which was an opposite to her sister's tone.

"Kat!" Lí-Míng reached over to grab my shoulder firmly, "Dude, the hell's wrong this time?" She had a sharpness to her voice that snapped me out of my trance, my rounded and tired eyes meeting her narrow eyes.

"Oh. Sorry." I'd respond as the grip Lí-Míng should had on me loosened, "I-I just zoned out." My eyes twitched as the tips of my fingers brushed against the smoothness of my nails that Mèi-Lí had fixed for me.
Off-topic, but I fucking love the texture of my nails now that they're not so rough and jagged. It instantly relaxes me and is probably the reason I always have half-finished notes for English.

"It's okay. Oh, also, you forgot your lunch in the library girly." Mèi-Lí placed a busted-up metal 'Steamboat Willie' lunchbox I've had since elementary. I didn't even look up as the twins sat infront of me, and nodded my head.

"Thank you." I uttered as I put both of my hands over my lunchbox, and brought it closer to my chest on the table.
A few other people sat by the table, mostly being quiet kids, or adults with kids in the EIP.
Other than that, this area in particular was rather peaceful and calm. It's why I was there as much as possible.
I fucking hate being around people, the exception being the twins.

"So like- Mèi-Lí, how's the missis?" Lí-Ming then begins starting a conversation as she ears her lunch.
"The fuck are you on about, I'm not married." Mèi-Lí rose an eyebrow.
"Im talking about the fucking president- no shit, your girlfriend, dumbass."
"How the hell was I s'posed to know!?"

And there it was, their usual banter I got to witness everyday. And I'm not even complaining, it's entertaining as hell.
What I really appreciate is that they dont drag or force me into conversations I dont need to be apwrt of. They save that for their sane friends.
I like the twins. They are good to me.

However, it was when I felt a sudden uneasiness creep up on me I stopped eating whatever it was that was packed for me.
Okay, not a big deal. Happens all the time.
I assured myself it was nothing, so I tried focusing on the twins.
But it didn't just go away. No, because why fucking would it?
A shudder would run up my back as I felt eyes on me from my right. What rose in my adrenaline was thinking of what would happen if I turned my head, or even slightly moved.
Would something jump out at me? Would I see someone I hate? Would I see something that severely upset me?

Either way, it was eating me alive. My hands were shaking, my body was overall twitching, and I felt that strong buzz of energy in my chest.
After some rationalizing--or atleast as rational I can even be--I turned my head. The adults and kids I spoke of earlier were gone. Or at least I couldn't see them, because I could still hear them. Not only that, my peripheral vision darkened, as if I was looking through an old camera. Or someone inserted a vignette effect in CapCut or Kinemaster.

I could still see the twins and their voices, but they seemingly were slowly disappearing.
My heart would then race, and my eyes would widen as I herd that noise I was all too familiar with.

It's here.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 28 ⏰

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