Chapter 1: The Roof

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Courtney's POV:

                                 I woke up and checked the calander, October 12. The red marker marked with a X and the rest of the calander ripped out. I got up and looked in the mirror, my hair looked like a bird's nest, my eyes had dark purple bags under them, and I was paler than usual, have I not gone outside in that long? I got dressed in a long grey t-shirt and sweatpants and left my apartment and walked to the roof. The air felt ice cold as the sun slowly began to rise while I stood there looking down at the edge, then the ground. I felt my foot slowly reach the edge when I heard something, or someone, "It's not worth it." They said in a calm, familiar voice. I looked up and saw the tip of a guitar and someone called me to come up with them. I walked up and saw a guy about my age, green eyes, and black hair sitting leaning against a flag pole.

                              Trent Cooper, I haven't seen him since World Tour ended. He looked different though, he looked paler, he was wearing a white turtleneck and dark green cargo pants, and he had multiple cigerattes in a small glass plate next to him. He looked tired. But he looked up at me and smiled before patting the space next to him, offering me to sit with him. I gave him a sheepish smile back before I sat down next to him. He started to tune his guitar for awhile before he looked at me and asked me a question. "How have you been for the past few months?" Trent said, putting his soft glare onto me. "I'm fine, it's just been rough." I said, "The hate I've been getting on Sierra's blog is driving me insane.".

                             "Well, that makes two of us." Trent said. Oh yeah, he's the "derailed ex boyfriend" on Sierra's blog. I couldn't help but feel... bad for him. "I'm sorry for calling you a loser, I didn't know, or understand how you felt." I said. Trent laughed slightly and nodded his head. "That was years ago, I don't mind it anymore." he said while putting a hand on my shoulder. I blushed a little, but luckily Trent didn't seem to notice. He then put his guitar aside and got up, he then offered his hand to me. "Wanna go get a coffee?" he said. I nodded and took his hand and he tugged me up. 

                           We walked down the stairs and I decided to ask him another question, hoping to have another conversation with him. Wait, why do I want to talk to him? "How are the drama brothers?" I said. "We're doing great, two more days until our world tour!" He said, but his facial expression changed when he said "world tour", I can't blame him though. We got out of the apartment complex and he asked me a question. "How's law school?" He said. "Tedious. But worth it." I said.

                          He nodded and we continued walking. We got a little lost in conversation for awhile before we realized that we got to the coffee shop already. I got a simple coffee and Trent got tea. I was about to pay but Trent gave his card to the cashier before I could. I didn't say anything and just simply let him. I'll repay back the favor when I can. We paid for the drinks and walked outside to go sit at the table. Trent ended up cracking a small joke and it made me laugh, I haven't laughed like that in awhile.

                         I decided to take a picture and post it onto my social media. I haven't posted in awhile but it felt right.




satella ☆

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