During* rain comes sunshine

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As soon as I enter the alley I try to go back in time. Which ladder had Pablo chosen again? Before I know it I'm climbing one of the ladders. It felt like the best option, and I'm almost certain I chose the right one. My expectations are rewarded when I reach the top and see the exact view I saw that one time with Pablo. 

I walk to the edge of the roof and look around. Which building was Pablo pointing to again? One detail I remember well was that the rooftop was empty. Most roofs had tables, chairs, rubbish and one even had a swimming pool. But then I see one where there is nothing at all. I don't see the whole roof, but enough to know it's the right one. 

I grab my phone. Two percent. I quickly try to figure out which building it is and soon I find it. It is an apartment complex that is currently being renovated. The perfect private place for a teenager. I quickly put my phone in my pocket and run back to the stairs. Time to go get Pablo.


I know I promised my mother not to do dangerous things. I promised her I would come back to America alive. I promised her to be responsible and to think with my brain. But as you guys know, I'm not very good at keeping my promises. I'm doing the exact opposite right now.

My left hand still clings to the iron beam. While my foot rests on the bottom of the ladder. Don't look down... don't look down... don't look down. Shit. I looked down and there I see the city, Barcelona a bit dark. Heavy clouds are floating above the city and I can tell a storm is coming up. I take a deep breath in and a deep breath out. Only three more steps and then I'm there... then I'm there... then I'm there...

A strong gust of wind blows through my hair and I press my body as close as possible to the stone building. Then I pull myself up onto the next ledge. I don't want to anymore, I just want to go back down, with solid ground under my feet. But I have to go on. I need to find him and this is the last place he can be.

'PABLOOOOOO!' I scream as loud as I can, but my voice is carried away by the strong wind. 'PABLOOOO!!!' I scream again. I gasp through the long swipe. My voice is hoarse as I scream again, as loud as I can. I gasp for breath after the long heave. 

I breathe in and out and look at my feet, which move wobbly on the tiny surface of the ladder. What am I doing? Of course Pablo isn't here...

Suddenly I hear a soft voice above me. 'Nina?' The sound is faint due to the raging wind, but I recognize that voice out of thousands. 'PABLO!' I shout back. I look up and then, about fifteen feet above me, I see his head peeking around the edge. 

'NINA! WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?' I put my foot on the next step of the ladder and pull myself up a little. 'LOOKING FOR YOU!' I shout back as I already put my foot on the next step. 'NINA DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA HOW DANGEROUS THIS IS!?' Pablo shouts and extends his arms. I ignore his comment and pull myself up to the next step. 

The ladder is steep and my hands are a bit sweaty. Very carefully I loosen my hand and grab the drainpipe just above my head. Two more steps and then I can take Pablo's hand. 'I am almost there!' I shout and I now take my foot up two steps in one go. 

'Nina have you gone crazy?' Pablo shouts back and stretches even further. Then I pull myself up and stretch my whole body as far as possible to take his hand. I just touch his fingertips and I feel my foot sliding eerily close to the edge of the step. Just as I'm about to clutch the drainpipe again, afraid of falling, I feel Pablo's hand around mine. He pulls me up with his strong arms. At first I dare not let go, but then he also grabs my second hand. I use my legs to find support on the smooth wall of the building until I find the drainpipe with my foot and push off. Pablo keeps pulling until my belly hits the oven side of the roof. I slowly slide onto the plateau while Pablo pulls me against him. I grab him by the neck, afraid of falling. We're both breathing heavily from the effort and I can see my knuckles are white from how hard I'm squeezing his shoulders now. My whole body shakes and I look down timidly. 

I'm your Angel | Pablo GaviWhere stories live. Discover now