The Project [L.H.] ☀️🧊

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Lexi Howard x Fem!Jacobs!reader

Summary: You're known as the cold and distant sister of Nate Jacobs, but Lexi's always been intrigued by you. What happens when the two of you are assigned as partners for a project?

Warnings: fluffy fluff, mentions of (ew) Nate

Word Count: 1.2k


Nate Jacobs. That was a name that instilled fear and slight admiration into the students and even some of the teachers at East Highland High School. He walked around as if he owned the place, and he practically did. There has been only one person who had stood up to him publicly and taken him off of his high horse, even if it was for just a moment. His sister, Y/N Jacobs.

Y/N was an interesting person. She was intimidating and scary, but if you truly got to know her, you could tell that she was nothing like her father or her brother. I'd gotten to know her slightly through various school events, and Maddy becoming good friends with her and forcing her to interact with people. Most of the people in our friend group were wary of her, if for no other reason than what they already knew about Nate.

One thing that I did take notice of was how Lexi would act around her. She would get shy and nervous, and she was completely unable to talk to her. The two almost never spoke, except for exchanging polite words in the hallway or while hanging out with the rest of the group.

Lexi was fine with this situation, and she never thought it would change. But one day, it did.

You shambled into class and took your seat towards the back of the room, sticking one of your earbuds into your ear. You never really paid attention to your classes, but you managed to listen enough to keep your grades consistent.

The rest of the class filed in, a couple of them sending glances your way. You ignore their gazes, watching the front of the classroom, waiting for a familiar small brunette to walk through the door. As soon as the younger Howard sister walks in, you move your gaze to your phone quickly. You would never let yourself admit that you were searching for Lexi, but somewhere in yourself you knew it was true.

When the teacher walks in, the chatter of the classroom settles down to a low hum, but not complete silence. She begins to talk, and you tune out until you hear 'group project'. Your head shoots up, and a panicked look takes over your face. People glance around the room, making eye contact with friends who they want to pair up with, but the teacher shuts that down quickly.

"I will be assigning partners. You will not be allowed to switch partners after they have been assigned. This is final." A groan goes around the room, but the teacher ignores it as she begins to call out pairs of names. You become more and more anxious as more names get read out, and you pray to any being up there that you wouldn't be paired with an asshole. Finally, your name is called.

"Y/N Jacobs and Lexi Howard." You sit back in surprise, wondering if some otherworldly being had actually heard your prayers. Lexi turns around in her seat, shooting you a timid smile. You return it with a smirk making a light pink blush coat the Howard girl's face. She turns back around to face the front, and as soon as she turns away, you let a small smile grace your lips.

After class, you intercept Lexi in the hallway. You ask her when you should be at her house, and she stutters out an answer, clearly caught off-guard by your assertiveness. "Um... r-right after school would work." You nod your head and walk away, and when the shorter brunette calls out a nervous goodbye, you raise your hand in farewell.


You roll up to the Howard household on your skateboard, about to ring the doorbell when the door gets flung open. In front of you is Maddy Perez and Cassie Howard, clearly on their way out. Maddy gives you a confused look, asking, "Why are you here?" You know she isn't being rude, so you mumble, "Working on a project with Lexi."

Maddy can't fully understand you, and she replies, "Y/N, I can't hear you when you mumble." You repeat your statement louder, hiding your laugh at the motherly tone Maddy's voice had taken on. Maddy pats your shoulder, walking past you. She wishes you luck teasingly, and you roll your eyes in response.

Cassie sends you up the stairs and into her shared room with Lexi, and there you find the smaller brunette on her bed, getting things set up. You move towards her and sit down on the bed, scaring Lexi slightly. As she catches her breath, you laugh lightly.

After the two of you settle down, you pull out your project and begin to work. You fall into an easy rhythm and you find yourself to be more relaxed and comfortable than you have in a very long time. Who knew that it would only take Lexi's presence to bring you peace of mind? The two of you work and joke around, talking about anything and everything. You learn more about her in one afternoon than you had in your whole time of knowing her.

Some time later, you begin to get bored with the work. Deciding to take a break, you sit back on your crush's bed, taking her side of the room in. You had been in this room before, but never for very long. Now you could see all of the things that Lexi had added to her side that made it fit her.

As you continue to look around, your gaze falls on the girl in front of you. She is still hard at work, her lip between her teeth as she jots something down. As soon as you focus on her, you can't look away. You can't help but think about how gorgeous she is, with her hair falling in her eyes and the concentrated look on her face.

Very quickly, Lexi feels your eyes on her. She tries to fight the blush that rises in her cheeks, but she can't. Finally, she can't take it anymore. She sits up suddenly and whips around, catching you off-guard. "What? Why are you staring at me?"

She watches your face turn red, and she can't help but feel surprised. Your body language isn't displaying the normal cool confidence that it normally does. Instead, you look nervous and shy. "N-nothing. You just... you're just very pretty." Lexi isn't expecting that, and she doesn't know how to respond. She watches as you seem to steel yourself for something.

"You know what? I'm gonna do this right now, because otherwise I'm going to chicken out. Will you, um... will you go on a date with me?" When Lexi doesn't respond to you right away, you begin to regret asking. "I'm sorry, I overstepped. Ignore what I just sai-"

You're cut off by Lexi's lips meeting your own. It catches you by surprise, but you quickly melt into the embrace. Lexi's arms wrap around your neck as she moves onto your lap, and you place your hands on her waist. As you break the kiss, your foreheads lean against each other. "So is that a yes?"

Lexi shoves your shoulders, pushing you away and making you laugh. She then pulls you back in for a shorter kiss, replying, "Yes, that's a yes you dummy." You can't retaliate, you can only grin at the beautiful girl in your lap. You knew then that she could be the one to break down your cold exterior for good. And maybe, just maybe, you would be okay with that.


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⏰ Last updated: Oct 22, 2023 ⏰

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