Chapter Two

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Clyde flung the door open to noises of clanking and running. Little mechanical creatures were chasing each other around the cramped kitchen. Liquids had been spilt onto the stone floor, a winged critter was flapping around in a panic, and the bellowing voice of Wilhelm came from the other room.

"Where the 'ell have you been, you lazy bastard!" He yelled before quieting down in a hurry. Clyde walked into the room to see him sitting at the table, holding a tiny blanketed baby in his arms, fast asleep. Wilhelm was a giant, and when standing, towered over Clyde. Carrying the small infant, he looked as broad as a great oak. His thick branches for arms swayed side to side.Clyde's mouth gaped wide open, "Well I migh' ask you where the 'ell yur got that thing?!" He was met with immediate shushing. Wilhelm's finger pressed to his lips.

"I didn't get her anywhere, you blinkin' fool," he said in a hushed tone. "the tot has been fast asleep ever since I found her on the front step." Wilhelm didn't take his eyes off the baby.

After a blank stare, and a moment of processing, "That las has the brightest red 'air I've ever seen Wilhelm. She ain't no ordinary bub, I'll tell'ye that much. We can't take her? Who knows what spells she's got under her? An' you know half a donkey's ass about takin' care of a lassie," Clyde said, not knowing what in the world they were going to do with a baby.

"Well, I sure doubt you got any ideas what to do with 'er." They both looked solemnly at the baby. They shared the same sympathies, but had differing wants.

"You'll be givin' 'er to someone else, you will." As he felt the words fall from his mouth, he knew how hopeless it sounded. They knew no one who would take her.

"O shut up you, who would take her? Look at 'er! She was left on our doorstep, can't be for no good reason. And for the love of god! Your nutter machine-animals are the real issue! They gone as mad as a bag of ferrets." He said, as a jar was knocked to the ground.

"It could be for no good reason, an' be for a very bad reason," Clyde said, "T'ats enough, t'ats enough, all o' you, back downstairs," he hoarded his creatures up and guided them gently towards the cellar door, Clyde was never one to use force with his creations, despite the mess they had made.

Some flapping metal wings came to a stop as a small creature landed on to Clyde's open hand. "There ya' are, my babies," he said sweetly, now entirely distracted from the infant child across the room.

The creations all made their way back down the cellar steps, multiple tiny ones building towers made of themselves to help them each down. Clyde returned to the living room and approached the baby.

She had curly red hair, only a small amount, a single curl placed on her forehead. Her face seemed to have burns, soot, and scratches on her cheeks. "Why 'aven't you cleaned this lass up yet, Wilhelm?" Clyde chastised him, taking the baby from him without another word. He was far too tired to continue this on any longer. They could sort out the infant-related details at a time he wasn't on the brink of collapse, Clyde thought. 

They both went upstairs to the washroom and ran a warm (but not too warm) bath for the baby.

...Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora