📍Toronto - North America

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A/N before I start

So weirdly enough I base half of this around what I want to do and be except I put it with someone random.

Yeah, I usually work on this in school or at 1 in the morning.

But I'll mainly use she/her pronouns as I'm not good with writing with he or they pronouns.

And if I do do something wrong like say 'blonde' instead of 'h/c' I'm incredibly sorry!

My autocorrect is really bad because of how fast and muddled I type. but don't mind if some words are from different languages. (Don't know why it goes to different languages)

I'm mainly doing this to get used to writing big stories for my GCSE English.

But please enjoy and if there's anything I need to improve please tell me and I'll do so!


Life has changed. You start doing stupid things like drinking, partying and all that. But doing more stupid stuff like going on reality shows? Already done. Right now, I'm riding on a train to Toronto in North America to compete on the new TV series with my best friend. Riley, we've known each-other for ages and we've done many things together like Write Songs, Play Songs and Sing Songs. Now he's 19 and 18, you turned 18 a couple weeks prior

We've never really think that we'd go on a TV show. Yet here we are in North America. Looking around there's people on the Train which Look Like they might be partaking in this TV show too. But I might be over thinking it a bit to much, we've nearly arrived at the stop and I'll try to document it everyday!


"This is Toronto, the capital of North America. Birthplace of funk, where the Albino Panther roams free. Beneath my manly size 13 brogues 19 teams are arriving at this historic Train Station easy to embark on a race around the world. I'm your host Don and this is.."

"The ridonculous Race!"

"Welcome to the ridonculous race, right now 19 teams are arriving from across the country are readying themselves to embark on a race to the


-talking through the earpiece-

"Not to the death?"

-muffled talking through the earpiece-

"okay. Let's meet the Teams that ARENT Racing to the death!"

"Carrie and Devin. Best friends!"

"I Met Devin in the sandbox and we haven't spent a day apart since! If anyone can win this race, it's us!" -Carrie
"Yeah! I know Carrie so well it's like we're... w-what are you doing?" -Devin
"Oh uh! Blink check! For the camera heh! Woo! Race!" -Carrie

"Kelly and Taylor, Mom and daughter."

"so A i'm really hot! obviously? and B i'm pretty much the best at everything I do! so unless my mom messes things up we're totally gonna win this race." -Taylor
"Taylor and her friends love when i hang with them! i'm known as the cool mom! we're so tight, people always mistake us for sisters!" -Kelly
"Wait what?!" -Taylor

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