Part 17 - My daughter...

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Mustafa had run away while Ferda had taken the babies, gone upstairs to the room and never left. Ayşem was starting to worry, so she called Merve, who didn't answer, then she called Ahmet and told him everything that had happened.

( Ahmet came home )

Ay: Dad welcome.

A: Hello Ayşem. Where is Ferda? Is she ok?

Ay: She is in the bedroom. I saw her some minutes ago and she was crying but she said to leave her alone for some time.

A: I will talk with her, don't worry.

( Ahmet goes upstairs and knocks on the door )

F: Ayşem my love I am ok don't worry I just want to stay alone.

A: I'm not Ayşem.

F: Aa Ahmet welcome. ( wipes away the tears )

A: Ferda my rose , my life don't cry please. I can't bear to see tears in your eyes. (he caresses her face and wipes her tears)

F: Ahmet... ( start crying ) I'm very bad. It hurts so much.

A: ( hugs Ferda) I know my love I know.

They stay in each other's arms until Ferda calms down a bit. Then Ahmet decides to ask her.

A: What are you going to do now?

F: I don't know.

A: If you want I can find your real father.

F: I have the number and the name, his name is Kenan Günay , I want to talk with him but I can't...

A: Ferda if you want I can talk with him.

F: Really??

A: Yes.

Ferda gives the number to Ahmet. Then he leaves the room to talk to Ferda's father.


A: Hello Mr. Kenan. I am Ahmet Karadağ Ferda's husband.

K: Hello...

A: Mustafa came here and said that you want to talk to Ferda.

K: Yes I want to see my daughter.

A: Ferda want to see you too. So when can she meet you?

K: I think we can have a dinner together. What do you think?

A: Ok you can send us the address.

K: Ok.

A: Good bye Mr. Kenan

K: Good bye.


F: Ee what did he say?

A: We will meet him tonight.

F: What?? Ahmet I don't know if I am ready for this...

A: Yes you are and we are with you Ferda. I AM WITH YOU.

F: Ahmet I love you. ( Hugs and kisses him)

Night in Kenan's house...

Night in Kenan's house

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M: Mom are you ok?


Ay: Mom..

F: Girls sorry I just I don't know if I am ready for this.

A: Don't forget we are with you.

Ferda took a few steps forward and rang the doorbell. A lady opened the door and invited them to come inside. She showed them the way to the salon. When they went there, they saw a man standing there, who burst into tears as soon as he saw Ferda.

K: Ferda welcome... my daughter.

Ferda also shed tears for the first time hearing someone call her my daughter. Even though she still didn't know this man, she wanted to hug him, so that for the first time she could feel the warmth of a hug from her father.

K: Can I hug you please?

F: ( crying ) Yes yes you can.

( Kenan hug Ferda, the girls were in tears and Ahmet too)

Ferda continued to cry while Kenan hugged her even tighter. He smelled her hair. He could not believe that after 40 years he found out that he had a daughter and now he had the opportunity to hug her and feel the presence of his daughter..

K: Please don't cry please... Now I'm here, niw I am your father and I will be with you for the rest of my life....

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