Chapter 4 Henry please

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At Henry house

Charlotte POV
I ran all the way to Henry house because he gave me a ride in his car and forgot that he was my ride. When I got to Henry house I opened his door and didn't see him in the kitchen or in the living room and I bet he is in his room I ran upstairs and went to his room I opened the door and walked in.Henry I whispered and I saw him on his bed crying oh no I whispered again and I walked up to him and bent down and left his chin up he looked at my eyes oh hey Charlotte he said.

Hey Charlotte really I said are you alright Henry I said and I looked at him in those beep brown eyes of his.What he said what do you want from me.Look why are you mad Henry so Jasper told the secert too Ray and yes you can't tell him and its hurts so much to not tell him the secert I said too him.

Look Char I am not mad then why did you leave back there she said and I said because like what you said I am mad at Japer I thought he can keep a secert but no he can't and I am mad that I can't tell him I am kid danger well we can do something no we can't Ray said I can't tell him anything and I am just like Henry started to strutter his words I... Can't... Do... It...anymore.... He said I then sat down with him and hug him and he them smiled thanks Charlotte.

No problem I said and Henry said why did you ran after me because I care about you and I don't want you to get hurt duh I slap him by the shoulder hey why you do that for because you worried me. I am so sorry and thanks for the tip we both laugh and Henry looks at me and I look at him ummm Henry yeah he said did I tell you had beautiful eyes.No he said well you do thanks he then lens in and I len in slowly I didn't l know what I am doing so I didn't want to kiss my bestfriend so I pulled away

Umm oh I am so sorry Henry said backing away from me it's OK we were caught up in the moment. Yeah he then got up his bed where are you going do you want to have a snack yeah sure.He then opened his door and went downstairs to get a snack.Meanwhile I was looking around Henry room wow he has a look of stuff I look at a picture of his family and a picture of this wonderful girl I wonder who she is I am not jealous I am just wondering who she is I then picked it up and Henry looks so happy and young I then head Henry said what are you doing with that.

Oh I am so sorry I said and he walked towards me and grabs the picture don't touch that I said I was sorry. Hey Henry yeah he said while putting the picture down on his desk who's that girl I said  why your jealous he said no I said who is she. Well she my girlfriend oh I said now oh no she my ex's girlfriend I sigh that good I whispered what he said nothing I smiled I made us sandwiches thanks I pick up my sanwhich and started to eat.

So why did you ask who she was oh I was looking around your room and saw the picture and I picked it up and wondered who she was.Well she my ex girlfriend Henry said too me while eating his sandwhich on his bed and me walking around his room and eating my sandwhichs..

Why do you stole have the pictures I said finishing my sandwhich and throughing my napkins in the trash because I don't know he started to say do you stole like her I said looking at Henry no I just like that picture of me and Bianca oh thats her name Bianca yup oh well you guys look so happy together what happened she cheated on me while dating he looked kinda sad oh I thought you broke up with her I told Henry no I broke up with her because she cheated on me.

Well you too make a good couple don't you think no Henry said why I said too him because I don't want to talk about it anymore OK fine I said what do you want to talk about.We can watch a movie sure Charlotte said looking at me which movie I said what kind of movies you have actions, friends,comedy, and scary movies.

How about a scary movie ohhh Char I thought you hate scary movie I don't that was the young Charlotte this is the new Charlotte well then how about we watch insidious 1 that's scary don't you think no you well be fine.Henry then walked to his t.v. and put on insidious 1 and though out the movie Char well get scard and hug Henry and Henry well cuddle next to Charlotte so she won't get scard.End of POV

Hey guys I hope you love it and I well update soon and I loved the end don't you think Henry and Charlotte cuddling and watching a scary movie.

What's going to happen next stay tune

Cliffhanger! (Love those)

Question of the day
Do you  think Henry and Charlotte well make a good couple
C.I don't know

P.S.There might be spelling wrong

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