You Wanna Be on Top?

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"The grand prize is a six page spread in the magazine Sweet , should our winning contestant be a female and the magazine FineBoys , if our next top model is a male. You will also be assigned to an agency that will manage you for the first few years of your career." Katsuki said, his crimson eyes scanning the twelve finalists as he waited for their overly excited cheers to die down so he could continue.

"Beyond that, you will also have a photoshoot with me and a chance to meet my management team for advice on how to make it in the industry. Now that we've announced the prizes, it's time for you all to see where you'll be living. This season, we'll be returning to the heart of Japan- in Tokyo, to teach you newbies the roots of fashion." As Bakugou finished his statement, the red light from the camera turned off, signaling they were done filming at this specific location.

The managers made quick work of telling everyone to stay where they were until called so they could be transported- and filmed, for the next location. As Bakugou took his place at the judging panel, he carefully eyed each of the contestants, analyzing what he believed to be their weaknesses and strengths because first impressions matter.

Bakugou was used to being in front of the camera for one reason or another, be it modeling or acting- both things he got into as a child. The only thing that pissed him off about this job was the constant insistence from his friends and managers that he needed to be appear friendly and helpful. If they wanted him to be fucking helpful, he would start by burning some of the clothes that these wannabes were wearing.

As he thought that, a puff of green caught his attention, making his eye twitch as looked over, what he was sure was a boy, wearing nothing but a shirt and jeans with shitty red high tops on.

"Oi," Bakugou said loud enough to get everyone's attention, including the boy who was committing a crime against fashion. "You, get up here." he said with a jerk of his thumb, pointing to the spot right in front him.

He could see the panic set into the shorter mans features, his eyes wide and doe like as he quickly made his way in front of him, Katsuki noting the red light that came onto the camera again, frowning as he looked down at the shorter boy.

"The fuck are you wearing?" motioning towards his outfit, the boy looked down at his clothing. "It's the first day of panel, in a fashion competition, and you came dressed like that?" the blonde asked, his eyebrow quirking up as he finished.

"I-I well, I wasn't quite sure what to w-wear to panel. I thought showing our personal style was important." he replied, his emerald eyes never breaking contact with Katsuki's.

Bakugou took note of his freckles and his slender figure. Despite being the shortest in the room, barely tall enough to pass as a model, his face was unique in a way he couldn't quite place. The kid didn't look sloppy by any means, but he also didn't exactly look like he had any sort of fashion sense whatsoever. Bakugou frowned as he crossed his arms against his chest, his eye twitching as he thought of how much everyone in this room needed to improve.

To his right, Katsuki could feel a large hand on his shoulder, a tuft of red hair making its way into his peripheral vision. He quickly pushed the hand off of him, his annoyance only spiking as the red head began to speak.

"Hey, don't mind him! What's your name, kid?" Kirishima asked, his face relaxing into a smile as he did so. Kirishima had a way of putting others at ease, specifically when they were becoming tense because of Bakugou.

"Midoriya Izuku." the boy replied, wringing the bottom of his shirt, his eyes still fixed on Katsuki's.

"Good name dude but don't worry about Bakubro here. He would only scold you if he saw potential in you." Kirishima said, winking at Midoriya as he dodged an elbow from the ash blonde whose frown was getting deeper by the second.

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