The Photo That I Hold

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The next day, Izuku was up early with Uraraka to go to Present Mic's personal studio to pick out their prizes from the previous day's challenge. Izuku had won the challenge and he had chosen Uraraka to come with him since she had been such a comforting and friendly presence since he had joined this competition. Currently, they were in a smaller van, not too far from the location of Mic's studio.

"So, I was looking over his catalog from the past few seasons and there are so many things that I want to get from his collections!" Uraraka said with a pout as the van came to a slow stop in the front of a high rise building.

Izuku got out of the van first before helping Uraraka, who was in heels and a skirt, and they made their way into the building, being guided up to the thirty first floor which is where his studio was waiting for them. In the elevator, Izuku felt as though he was sweating entirely too much to meet a man he had already met before, he had even walked in his fashion show the night before.

"If I ask for two things that Bakugou helped design, that would be weird, but I really want the matching jacket that goes with the platform heels. On the other hand, I could just find another piece of clothing that matches either the boots or the jacket and then it wouldn't be as weird. Everyone already knows how much..." without realizing it, Izuku had gone into a full rant while debating with himself about what would be acceptable for him to take from the studio.

Uraraka stared at him before gently shaking his shoulders, her face pink as she did so. "Earth to Midoriya! You're totally overthinking this whole thing! Just pick whatever pieces you like and flaunt them proudly at panel," She exclaimed as they stepped off the elevator together, Izuku sticking close to her as he gave her an embarrassed smile.

"Yo! The champions of the hour!" a loud voice boomed from the door in front of them before it opened to reveal Mic and a very tired looking man standing next to him who Izuku recognized as Mic's long time husband and fashion designer, known only as Aizawa.

Izuku was trying desperately to keep his composure as he was ushered into the studio by a very loud and excited Mic, who was talking excitedly about all the pieces he had put aside for them both.

As he walked in, he took the time to take in the sight of a famous designer's studio, not at all being disappointed by the sight in front of him. The walls were a bright white with splashes of yellow decorating them, several large windows adorned the largest wall on the other side of the room, plants and curtains decorating them with colors of green and soft purple. There were several tables with mannequins beside them with half finished pieces of clothing, fabric and sewing equipment scattered haphazardly on each of the tables, all of varying colors and textures.

He quickly found himself smiling as he hugged Uraraka's arm closer to his chest, forgetting all about his nervousness as he thought of his potential future in the fashion industry. As long as he could dream it, he could do it, that was just something he would have to convince himself of everyday while he was here.

"Mic, I think you're scaring the girl. Uraraka, I think her name was." Aizawa spoke up from next to them, his voice gruff and not nearly as loud as Mic's.

"N-no! Not at all! It's actually not Mic that's making me nervous." Uraraka replied sheepishly as she turned her face so she wouldn't have to look at him. "It's you."

A silence settled over the room as she finished her statement and Izuku could feel her tense under his arm as Mic's laughter filled the room, his laughter almost as bright as the clothing he created.

"You should see your face Shouta!" he laughed loudly as the attention was turned to his husband, who looked confused and irritated by the sudden teasing from Mic. "You're terrifying the poor girl and then you drew attention to it you big dummy."

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