Chapter 7

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Alex felt the tension in the room rise, it seemed as if it could be cut with a knife. Needing a distraction from it, she looked over at Charli and Luca only to find the chairs they had previously occupied empty.

"Where'd they go?!" she asked panicked.

Levi's head snapped in her direction.

"Jaxx where are they?" he asked.

"They're in the garden," the redhead simply said.

Levi stiffened, "Which garden."

Jaxx didn't answer.

"Jaxx which garden?" Levi asked more insistently this time.

"Don't worry," Jaxx reassured, "They're in the safe garden, no harm will come to them there."

Levi didn't look convinced.

Noticing his expression, Jaxx sighed, "You really don't trust me do you? Do you trust anyone?"

"I'm being cautious," he said smoothly, "Just because you're friends with Luca doesn't mean I have to act illogically."

"Think about it," he said, "Charli and Luca are my friends. Why in all of Wonderland would I hurt them?"

"Friendship has different meanings to different people. For all I know it could mean nothing to you."

"Do you really think I'm that cold-hearted?" Jaxx asked, sounding a little hurt, "And anyway, if you don't believe me, you can ask Alex."

Two sets of eyes turned to her expectantly. Alex felt uncomfortable at the sudden shift in the room. She didn't want to get involved in their bickering.

"How am I supposed to know where they went?" she asked frantically.

"The same way you knew Luca had a crush on Charli," Jaxx said.

"That doesn't help anyone Jaxx," Levi said, "Luca's pretty obvious, anyone with eyes could tell."

"Are you trying to say Light doesn't have eyes?" Jaxx teased.

"That's different!" he exclaimed, "Light's in denial and he avoids Charli like the plague. Let's just get back to the point."

Jaxx turned back to Alex, "Haven't you noticed how you and Luca are more in tune with each other lately?"

Alex nodded, "Is that normal?"

"Of course," Jaxx said, "A bond is more than just a business contract, it connect's the souls of both parties."

"That's awesome!" she breathed, "How does it work?"

"Well it's really simple really," he began, "It starts when you-"

"Basically it's magic," Levi said, "Magic is prominent in Wonderland. Can we get back to the task at hand now? We don't have time for your nerd lessons."

"All magic is rooted in science," Jaxx pouted.

"What do I need to do?" Alex asked.

"What you've been doing this whole time," Jaxx said.

"But I haven't been doing anything special," Alex said, "It just happens."

He smiled, "Then let it happen."

Jaxx wasn't making sense, but she decided to try anyway. Closing her eyes, she tried to think of where Luca and Charli could possibly be at the moment. She immediately felt heat, but not the dangerous kind. It felt homely and safe, like a fireplace. What were they doing?

She opened her eyes, "They're fine."

Jaxx smirked, "See."

Alex didn't think they were in a garden, but she kept that to herself.

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