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I don't own any characters except my OCs.

Alright, honestly, I did not expect to be writing this, but my short had overwhelmingly positive reviews requesting this. So, here we are.

I can't promise good quality, as this is basically a longer rewrite of the story and my rewrites are rarely as good as my originals. At least, in my opinion.

I am not having the arranged marriage as the main plot point, like with the other story. It will be there, just not as prevalent. This story will be about Percy forming The Guardians and their adventures.

This part of my story is largely inspired by thornjinx23905's Apollo's Hunt series. It is obviously not the same, but it is where my inspiration for The Guardians is stemming from.

As you can all probably see, I did not know what to do for the cover. While I am liking the neat, professional look, it's not my normal style. If anyone wants to make a cover for this story, PM me here on Wattpad. Warning, I am a perfectionist and may not use your cover, but I will consider it. If you do decide to make a cover, it must include the title and my username: Fan_500.

All votes and comments are appreciated, especially feedback. However, if giving criticism, please try to be respectful and not just tell me my work is shit. Thanks.

Updates will be sporadic, though I hope none more than a week apart. This story was NOT prewritten, so I'm not sure where it's going to go, aside from the main plot points.

I would like to remind everyone that I am not a professional. I am a seventeen-year-old that has only written papers for school and fanfictions like these. There will likely be errors. Grammar Nazis are welcome here, so long as they are polite about it.

This story will probably contain abuse, violence, minimal swearing, and gay ships. If any of that makes you uncomfortable or will trigger you in any way, please stop reading now. Thank you.

Finally, thank you for clicking on my story. It means a lot to me. Love you all! 💕

– Chloe

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